Greatest American poll

Mott, Hamilton came from greater abject poverty and social depravity than Lincoln, and was the most ingenious of the Founders, just fyi. He never became president, but he certainly got many of his points accross through Washington.
Mott, Hamilton came from greater abject poverty and social depravity than Lincoln, and was the most ingenious of the Founders, just fyi. He never became president, but he certainly got many of his points accross through Washington.
You're wrong on both counts.
Jesus dude! You're only missing Andrea Dworkin!!!

Nice catch!

I think civil rights leaders, artists, and scientists did more for this country than any politician ever has. Politicians just react to shit that's going on around them, they aren't transformational. But, if I had to pick the greatest political figure I'd have to go with either Huey Long, or Newt Gingrich.
Ansel Adam's art basically was responsible for the national park system, the environmental movement, and for creating a public interest to preserve the nations wilderness. Although admittedly, most republicans would probably like to see oil refineries and 12 lane highways in Yellowstone.

No doubt Thomas Jefferson and FDR were important figures in history with excellent accomplishments. But you gotta take the good with the bad. Jefferson raped black women, and FDR put americans in concentration camps. Not being religious myself, I don't know if - on balance - that means Jefferson went to hell, or to heaven.
Ansel Adam's art basically was responsible for the national park system, the environmental movement, and for creating a public interest to preserve the nations wilderness. Although admittedly, most republicans would probably like to see oil refineries and 12 lane highways in Yellowstone.

No doubt Thomas Jefferson and FDR were important figures in history with excellent accomplishments. But you gotta take the good with the bad. Jefferson raped black women, and FDR put americans in concentration camps. Not being religious myself, I don't know if - on balance - that means Jefferson went to hell, or to heaven.

The greatest single cause of the national parks system was the Census of 1890.
Mott, are you really unfamiliar with Hamilton's origins in the Caribbean? For better and for worse, they scarred him, and made him the determined, ambitious, paranoid, heroic, wreckless man that he was. He also turned out to be a financial and economic genious, which allowed him to support himself and his mother, and to escape from St. Croix to go to college in New York.

Hamilton embodied the American Dream in his day. His personal shortcomings, and his controversial politics aside, most historians regard Hamilton as the standalone most naturally gifted and genious of the Founding Fathers, even though his contributions are less significant than Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin. Hamilton's life, which can easily be mistaken for a Greek Tragedy, is easily the most exciting and unbelievable of the bunch.
Yes, he wasn't radical enough even for those assholes. The man died, languishing in a French political prison, but having penned The Rights of Man, which was the most significant writing of the French Revolution.

The French revolution was corrupted by the Jacobists. The Jacobists were not especially radical liberals. They weren't liberal at all.
Mott, are you really unfamiliar with Hamilton's origins in the Caribbean? For better and for worse, they scarred him, and made him the determined, ambitious, paranoid, heroic, wreckless man that he was. He also turned out to be a financial and economic genious, which allowed him to support himself and his mother, and to escape from St. Croix to go to college in New York.

Hamilton embodied the American Dream in his day. His personal shortcomings, and his controversial politics aside, most historians regard Hamilton as the standalone most naturally gifted and genious of the Founding Fathers, even though his contributions are less significant than Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin. Hamilton's life, which can easily be mistaken for a Greek Tragedy, is easily the most exciting and unbelievable of the bunch.
Look Hamilton was born low and rose far. The point here is, he wasn't born as low, St. Croix as at least an urban civilzation and not a cabin in the wilderness, nor did he rise as far as Lincoln, nor did he accomplish as much or demonstrate the same level of genius as Lincoln, end of debate.
Look Hamilton was born low and rose far. The point here is, he wasn't born as low, St. Croix as at least an urban civilzation and not a cabin in the wilderness, nor did he rise as far as Lincoln, nor did he accomplish as much or demonstrate the same level of genius as Lincoln, end of debate.

The guy did as SofT what no other man alive could have done. He was borm a social outcast, and treated like a dog for it on St. Croix.