Greatest human emotion

Greatest human emotion

  • Love

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Spite

    Votes: 3 60.0%

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I like how this thread is about emotions when the greatest form of humanity is stoicism. We should mandate the teaching of stoicism in all schools, and declare Marcus Aurelius the greatest man who ever lived, and posthumously give him Nobel Prizes in Peace and Literature.
I like how this thread is about emotions when the greatest form of humanity is stoicism. We should mandate the teaching of stoicism in all schools, and declare Marcus Aurelius the greatest man who ever lived, and posthumously give him Nobel Prizes in Peace and Literature.
You only need to look at Cato the younger to see the dark side of stoicism. It is so intellectually empty and spiritually empty that it can only build the ultimate fanatic.
What do you mean by "Greatest"? That can mean many things. It can mean "best", it can mean "strongest", it can mean the one most coveted...

Until you define "Greatest" this thread will be nonsense.
And what if they didn't feel the same emotions as humans? Would that be some strike against them? Why do humans feel the need for everything else in the universe to reflect our values, and feel that something is horrible and meaningless if it fails to conform to this imposition? Humans are human emotions. Animal emotions are animal emotions. Animals are not inferior for not being humans.

Some animals probably feel some things that are like humans emotions, but these feelings are, I imagine, different in degree and sometimes triggered by different things. The way humans themselves experience emotions isn't uniform across the species, so I can imagine it's much more different when you get to animals.

We assign human emotions to everything, even the god(s).
If emotions are based in DNA it is far more likely that animals here, sharing common DNA and ancestry, on Earth would have similar emotive "feeling" as we do than to have entirely alien emotive responses.

Consider aliens themselves, it is far more likely that we share emotions with a dog than with something with an entirely different DNA structure that evolved in a different environment.
If emotions are based in DNA it is far more likely that animals here, sharing common DNA and ancestry, on Earth would have similar emotive "feeling" as we do than to have entirely alien emotive responses.

Consider aliens themselves, it is far more likely that we share emotions with a dog than with something with an entirely different DNA structure that evolved in a different environment.

I wouldn't argue any different. Mammals likely are most similar to us. But what about reptiles? Fish? Even when they do have similar reactions, the actual feeling that causes the behavior is likely to have some different mechanism. I disagree with the idea that not having human emotions is a strike against animals at all, and I dislike it when people respond to those who hold this strike against animals by claiming "Oh, animals actually do have human emotions!" because it really does nothing but legitimize the position. We shouldn't find fault with animals just because they're different. This is like responding to racists by claiming that, no, not all black people like that hideous rap music and awful degenerate African culture, many of them are actually exactly like us! You're not actually accomplishing a positive goal, you're just participating further in the condescension.
Do you really think that last qualifier was necessary considering what your are accusing him of? Lol

I can't have Mott assuming that he is just a zoophile. He has to understand that he's extinction level retarded to boot.