Green Mile

Shawshank and Green Mile are the two best movie adaptations of Stephen King.

I love the Shawshank Redemption but there is one scene that really pisses me off. Can somebody explain to me how Tim Robbins is able to crawl through a sewer pipe full of shit and God knows what, yet turn up at the bank next day in a pristine, immaculately pressed suit and withdraw a shedload of money?
I love the Shawshank Redemption but there is one scene that really pisses me off. Can somebody explain to me how Tim Robbins is able to crawl through a sewer pipe full of shit and God knows what, yet turn up at the bank next day in a pristine, immaculately pressed suit and withdraw a shedload of money?

make up artists....
I love the Shawshank Redemption but there is one scene that really pisses me off. Can somebody explain to me how Tim Robbins is able to crawl through a sewer pipe full of shit and God knows what, yet turn up at the bank next day in a pristine, immaculately pressed suit and withdraw a shedload of money?

What do you think he was dragging behind him, in that plastic bag.
It was the warden's suit and shoes; plus if you remember, the search party found a bar of used soap.
Are you insisting that there is no way he could have maybe ROLLED the suit up and thereby not putting any creases in it?

Yes I am, tell me how a suit going through several hundred metres of sewer pipe and coming out into a ditch when it is pissing down with rain could retain its creases? What miracle fabric did they have in 1965 that possessed those magic properties?
Yes I am, tell me how a suit going through several hundred metres of sewer pipe and coming out into a ditch when it is pissing down with rain could retain its creases? What miracle fabric did they have in 1965 that possessed those magic properties?

Once again; did you not see the plastic bag he was dragging behind him, with that 6 ft of rope he had?
At least Tom made it to the end of the movie before getting pissed at something. I was actually pissed that when the Warden shot himself there wasn't a blood spatter on the wall behind him that just happened to spell out the words "Brooks was here." :rant: