I don't know how many times I've watched this movie; but it never fails to impress me.
Shawshank and Green Mile are the two best movie adaptations of Stephen King.
Shawshank and Green Mile are the two best movie adaptations of Stephen King.
I love the Shawshank Redemption but there is one scene that really pisses me off. Can somebody explain to me how Tim Robbins is able to crawl through a sewer pipe full of shit and God knows what, yet turn up at the bank next day in a pristine, immaculately pressed suit and withdraw a shedload of money?
I love the Shawshank Redemption but there is one scene that really pisses me off. Can somebody explain to me how Tim Robbins is able to crawl through a sewer pipe full of shit and God knows what, yet turn up at the bank next day in a pristine, immaculately pressed suit and withdraw a shedload of money?
make up artists....
He has a bag tied to his leg which he drags through the sewer pipe, so where did he get an iron to press the suit?
Are you insisting that there is no way he could have maybe ROLLED the suit up and thereby not putting any creases in it?
Yes I am, tell me how a suit going through several hundred metres of sewer pipe and coming out into a ditch when it is pissing down with rain could retain its creases? What miracle fabric did they have in 1965 that possessed those magic properties?
Once again; did you not see the plastic bag he was dragging behind him, with that 6 ft of rope he had?
and rambo really killed all those people.....
Yes I know that it was inside a plastic bag which was taped up, I still do not see how that would protect a suit from creases.
He didn't, say it isn't so??
And once again, rolling it would protect the creases.
how did rambo kill all those people tom?
So have you crawled through a sewage pipe with a rolled up suit inside a plastic bag to check out your theory?