Green Mile

With an iron?? I lost interest in Rambo when I saw the scene where he used a dirty needle to sew up a flesh wound cut clear to the bone, in a damp filthy cave.

While in actuality; he sewed up the wound with a fishing hook, fishing line, it was done outside, and it's only your opinion that it was to the bone..
So I was wrong about the fact that he used a fish hook rather than a needle and it was outside rather than inside the cave. That somehow makes you less credulous!! :palm:

Well; your complaint was about how "dirty" everything was, when he did this.

With an iron?? I lost interest in Rambo when I saw the scene where he used a dirty needle to sew up a flesh wound cut clear to the bone, in a damp filthy cave.

Now that your "reason" for lossing interest in Rambo, has been shown to be in error; what reason do you intend to use now? :D
Well; your complaint was about how "dirty" everything was, when he did this.

Now that your "reason" for lossing interest in Rambo, has been shown to be in error; what reason do you intend to use now? :D

Oh ok, I forgot about how he scrubbed up first and ensured that his surroundings were sterile.