Greenland Has Been Cooling In Recent Years – 26 Of Its 47 Largest Glaciers Now Stable

This is from the paper -

The Jakobshavn glacier like all glaciers flows. When a glacier recedes it is that the front edge of the glacier is melting faster than the flow of the glacier. It is not that the glacier stops flowing. What was melting was the ice shelf of the glacier that extended into the fjord. The acceleration of that melt was caused by the increase in ocean temperature. When the ice shelf collapses it no longer holds the glacier back so the flow will often increase which is what happened. The Jakobshavn glacier was losing mass because the flow had accelerated in the 90's into the 00's. It is because of the increased flow that it was melting. It has now started to thicken because the flow has slowed.

Here is a simplistic explanation of glacier flow-

The cooler waters reduced the rate of submarine melting.

I have no idea who Stringy is and I am certainly not him/her. The fact that you spout shit as if you know what you are talking about when you clearly don't leads me to think several people have pointed out your ignorance. Perhaps the fault is with you and not that everyone who disagrees with you is the same person. Perhaps you should read the actual science instead of just reading a headline and jumping to a conclusion that it agrees with your ill conceived ideas.

Well there's certainly no shortage of sarcastic arseholes, you're just another in a long line, another for the ignore list.
This is from the paper - The Jakobshavn glacier like all glaciers flows. When a glacier recedes it is that the front edge of the glacier is melting faster than the flow of the glacier. It is not that the glacier stops flowing. What was melting was the ice shelf of the glacier that extended into the fjord. The acceleration of that melt was caused by the increase in ocean temperature. When the ice shelf collapses it no longer holds the glacier back so the flow will often increase which is what happened. The Jakobshavn glacier was losing mass because the flow had accelerated in the 90's into the 00's. It is because of the increased flow that it was melting. It has now started to thicken because the flow has slowed.

On which page of the paper does that text appear?
It was predicted more than decade ago that ski resorts in North Lebanon would have to close due to global warming. Was that weather or climate change?

The average yearly length of time that is cold enough for snow is climate. The ability for ski resorts to be a financial success is highly dependent on the length of the skiing season. Typically some seasons would be shorter than others based on normal variability but if the average length gets shorter over time at some point ski resorts would not be able to make enough money in those shortened seasons to stay open. It certainly doesn't mean it will no longer snow.
A new analysis of recent trends for the Greenland ice sheet reveals that since 2012 there has been an abrupt slowing of melt rates and a trend reversal to cooling and ice growth.

• In 2018, 26 of Greenland’s 47 largest glaciers were either stable or grew in size.
• Overall, the 47 glaciers advanced by +4.1 km² during 2018. Of the 6 largest glaciers, 4 grew while 2 retreated.
• Since 2012, ice loss has been “minor” to “modest” due to the dramatic melting slowdown.
• Summer average temperatures for 2018 were lower than the 2008-2018 average by more than one standard deviation.
• Since 2000, the extent of the non-snow-covered areas of Greenland has increased by 500 km² per year.




  • Greenland-ice-sheet-cooling-gaining-mass-2018-report-1.jpg
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  • Greenland-Cooling-2001-to-2015-Westergaard-Nielson-2018.jpg
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A new analysis of recent trends for the Greenland ice sheet reveals that since 2012 there has been an abrupt slowing of melt rates and a trend reversal to cooling and ice growth.

• In 2018, 26 of Greenland’s 47 largest glaciers were either stable or grew in size.
• Overall, the 47 glaciers advanced by +4.1 km² during 2018. Of the 6 largest glaciers, 4 grew while 2 retreated.
• Since 2012, ice loss has been “minor” to “modest” due to the dramatic melting slowdown.
• Summer average temperatures for 2018 were lower than the 2008-2018 average by more than one standard deviation.
• Since 2000, the extent of the non-snow-covered areas of Greenland has increased by 500 km² per year.

View attachment 9981

Do you think "poor Richard" actually stumped up for access to the entire paper, Tom?
Perhaps you don't know what a question mark means. Is that it?

I understand perfectly what you were implying. I also understand the idiotic debate technique you are employing where you avoid all discussion of the actual topic.

Still haven't read the paper yet, have you?
On which page of the paper does that text appear?

Look at you!! Removing the quote and trying to pretend that my statement was from the paper.

The paper actually talks about glacier flow on all 8 pages. The fact that Havana Moon thinks that a glacier stops flowing when it recedes shows his ignorance so I took time to explain some basics to him.
Do you think "poor Richard" actually stumped up for access to the entire paper, Tom?

Couldn't say, but I am certainly not going to stump up to find out!! The salient point is that In 2018, 26 of Greenland’s 47 largest glaciers were either stable or grew in size. Whether that is solely down to the The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) or not only time will tell. Indeed you may have to wait for 20 years or so for a definitive answer. What I do know though is that NASA were caught with their pants down and it was the last thing they were expecting.
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Couldn't say, but I am certainly not going to stump up to find out!!

So you can't tell us what the errors are in the reporting on your second link. You should never rely on reporters for science when the actual scientific papers are there for you to read.

The statement is made in the BBC news story - "It is now thickening by 20m a year."

That makes it look like the entire glacier is thickening by 20m a year but the paper actually states the first 80km of the glacier is thickening by 20m a year and the rest of the glacier is still shrinking by 1-3m a year. Now, I wonder how long the glacier really is? Care to posit a guess?

I do like these quotes they seem tailor made to describe the absurdity of much in climate science

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
-Bertrand Russell

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-H.L. Mencken

I do like these quotes they seem tailor made to describe the absurdity of much in climate science

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.

Bertrand Russell

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken

Indeed, they do seem apropos, Tom.

I do like these quotes they seem tailor made to describe the absurdity of much in climate science

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
-Bertrand Russell
You must be referring to the claim that there is no evidence of warming. Or the widely held belief that if there is snow in DC or in Lebanon then warming can't be happening. Frankly the quote can be twisted to apply to just about anything.

So rather than look at the facts of global warming you have decided to do drive by posts and then run away from the actual science. It would suggest your belief to be the one that is foolish.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
-H.L. Mencken
I guess we need to build that wall!!!! Because of you know - brown people

Or in your case - We need Brexit!!! Because of you know - brown people