Greenspan writes the Epitaph for the Iraq War

Well have you read it mr amazing ?
I understand that those reporting on what it says may have context off, and appreciate that the author has a better idea of what he wrote and meant that they do. I also understand that he isn't a novelist and may, at times, express things that need to be clarified. You are judging what he said with limited information. I am not.
I understand that those reporting on what it says may have context off, and appreciate that the author has a better idea of what he wrote and meant that they do. I also understand that he isn't a novelist and may, at times, express things that need to be clarified. You are judging what he said with limited information. I am not.

I thought you had the same information I did ?
You are just judging in the other direction.
I thought you had the same information I did ?
You are just judging in the other direction.
No, I am asking questions. I said it "seems to me" I have made no assertions.

You are twisting in your own spin now. You clearly know that such things are possible and instead chose to twist and spin with limited information. I prefer to wait rather than judge on such minimal information.

I simply asked if you had read the book and therefore could tell me the full context. You made it clear that you had not.
No, I am asking questions. I said it "seems to me" I have made no assertions.

You are twisting in your own spin now. You clearly know that such things are possible and instead chose to twist and spin with limited information. I prefer to wait rather than judge on such minimal information.

I simply asked if you had read the book and therefore could tell me the full context. You made it clear that you had not.

Umm you assumed he new what he was writing better than others did.
you did assume that he actually wrote the book then :D

are you certain he actually did the writing ?
Umm you assumed he new what he was writing better than others did.
you did assume that he actually wrote the book then :D

are you certain he actually did the writing ?
I didn't assume, I said "it seems to me" what you read was what you wanted to read, not what I wrote.

Notice how a report might be off then? It seems to me that the assumption here was what you wanted me to say rather than what I did say.

here is the original post of your objection, I have put the important bit in bold for your edification:

So you read the book and know the full context or are you basing it on conjecture? It seems to me that he has a better idea of what he wrote and meant than you do.