Greetings from Southeast Asia

Case in point, just come back to a friend's house on a motorbike taxi. He tried to get 200 baht off me but I haggled him down to 80. But so what it amounts to a couple of quid for a 3 kilometre ride.
Yeah that's the other thing. They like to haggle. I was told that in general never accept the first price offered in the markets.
That's how the ones in Manila are. I usually go with the taxi service with the hotel I stay at. It cost significantly more but it's far more secure.

We prearranged all road transport through an outfit run by a "Daisy Dong " out of Hanoi. Got picked up at airports to get to hotels, picked up at hotels to get to airports, had one 5 hr drive from SaPa to Hanoi airport. Went like clockwork for a total of about $350. No hassles.
We'll give them a top rating on Trip Advisor when we get back.
Yeah that's the other thing. They like to haggle. I was told that in general never accept the first price offered in the markets.
If they are on the meter then that's the price, but tuk tuks, sarmlors and motorbike taxis are a different story.

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Went to the War Museum in Saigon today. Very sobering. Wish all supporters of war, including supporters of bloodthirsty warmongers like Bush Jr, Hillary and McCain could see it.
As many Vietnamese civilians have been killed by left over ordinance since 1975 as u.s. soldiers killed in the entire war (over 50,000).
One million Vietnamese soldiers and an estimated 2 million civilians killed during the war.
American soldiers harmed by agent orange got compensation from the u.s. gubmint and from Dow Chemical. Vietnamese - zilch.
Too late now but we owed them reparations.
Went to the War Museum in Saigon today. Very sobering. Wish all supporters of war, including supporters of bloodthirsty warmongers like Bush Jr, Hillary and McCain could see it.
As many Vietnamese civilians have been killed by left over ordinance since 1975 as u.s. soldiers killed in the entire war (over 50,000).
One million Vietnamese soldiers and an estimated 2 million civilians killed during the war.
American soldiers harmed by agent orange got compensation from the u.s. gubmint and from Dow Chemical. Vietnamese - zilch.
Too late now but we owed them reparations.

Yep, very sad.... Today in Laos is even worse...
Went to the War Museum in Saigon today. Very sobering. Wish all supporters of war, including supporters of bloodthirsty warmongers like Bush Jr, Hillary and McCain could see it.
As many Vietnamese civilians have been killed by left over ordinance since 1975 as u.s. soldiers killed in the entire war (over 50,000).
One million Vietnamese soldiers and an estimated 2 million civilians killed during the war.
American soldiers harmed by agent orange got compensation from the u.s. gubmint and from Dow Chemical. Vietnamese - zilch.
Too late now but we owed them reparations.

Yep, very sad.... Today in Laos is even worse...
Grade President Trump's Performance So Far

I tend to agree. Though because he's only been POTUS for a couple of weeks lets get LOL grade still pretty much applies. Give the guy some time.

As for so far, he's made a number or EO's that are largely symbolic in nature or which he lacks the real authority to implement real change. As for his Cabinet picks I give him a B. Most are qualified mainstream conservatives and I'm fine with that but two pick are ideologues with questionable qualifications. His EPA director and his Education director is an ideologue who is poorly qualified, doesn't know the frame work of Educational policy and law and has views on public financing of charter schools and private schools that is frightening and if implemented would be devastating to rural schools.

On Gorsuch I give him an A- as he is an eminently qualified mainstream conservative though I would have preferred a mainstream moderate like Garland as I don't think he would prove to be a lap dog to the Oligarchy as Roberts is and, given his record, I'm afraid Gorsuch might be.

The only major criticism I have so far is his travel ban in which I have mixed feelings. Given the out right bigotry of his campaign rhetoric I am uncomfortable with his travel ban cause if he was serious Saudi Arabia would be on that list. However, I do support his criticism of the H1B visa program. Given the botched rollout of the travel ban I give him a D on that issue.

On the whole though I give him an A- to a B+ but, again, lets get's only been a couple of weeks. LOL
I think you know well enough that it would nigh suicide to ban SA, especially when ARAMCO is about to be floated.
Went to the War Museum in Saigon today. Very sobering. Wish all supporters of war, including supporters of bloodthirsty warmongers like Bush Jr, Hillary and McCain could see it.
As many Vietnamese civilians have been killed by left over ordinance since 1975 as u.s. soldiers killed in the entire war (over 50,000).
One million Vietnamese soldiers and an estimated 2 million civilians killed during the war.
American soldiers harmed by agent orange got compensation from the u.s. gubmint and from Dow Chemical. Vietnamese - zilch.
Too late now but we owed them reparations.
I was there last year, did you see the statue of a woman made from shrapnel?

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