Grind, I love him

Countryboy. You woke up with a bad attitude. You were severely spanked. This thread shows you got your mind right. Congratulations.

If you say so Jack. I just wanted to let Grind know what a pussy he is for retro'ing me. He can't handle a little criticism, waaa.
If you say so Jack. I just wanted to let Grind know what a pussy he is for retro'ing me. He can't handle a little criticism, waaa.

You rose up. Fired back. Defended your Honor. No one can fault you.

(Jesus! I was just thinking ... if you 'retro' Grind ... will THAT make you even?) :)
You rose up. Fired back. Defended your Honor. No one can fault you.

(Jesus! I was just thinking ... if you 'retro' Grind ... will THAT make you even?) :)

Should I PM him and ask him to retro himself?

I see the coward changed the title of the thread, proving my point.
hilarious, appreciated, but not necessary.. I just punted him because I knew he'd cry about it and I got my entertainment with almost no effort

Making shit up again, are we? Can you point to another time I've ever done this? Of course you can't. Have you considered AA?