Grind, I love him

She would never get the chance. If you like being physically abused, and you do, more power to you. I'm sure many would like to help you with that. Why pay someone when there are volunteers?

Praise Jesus and Thank God! I was getting a little nervous there for a minute. (wiping sweat off brow)
Grind retro'd me from one of his threads for a little humor a few months ago. No whining here, he's still cool.
hilarious, appreciated, but not necessary.. I just punted him because I knew he'd cry about it and I got my entertainment with almost no effort

I know. I posted it because I knew it would lead to board idiots calling me a suck up. They never disappoint me. I know them better than they know themselves.
Should I PM him and ask him to retro himself?

I see the coward changed the title of the thread, proving my point.
I'll give you a tip about Grind. He's a psychopath. The best way to get on his good side is to not give a shit about anything, including him....hold that....strike it....especially him.