Grind my man

Read up on the
Marijuana Tax Act 1937
Neither the House or Senate actually voted.
It was passed without a vote.
Most of the Representatives new nothing about Marijuana
... reprinted by permission from TOP thread:

"Recently closed thread by notorius Forum Liar, US911:

"Members banned from this thread: MASON and Jack"
"Here's your chance - NO BAN THREAD"

First he lies and claims it's a "No Ban Thread". Then ... wait for it ... he thread bans two people.
(This is like a Legina thread, I would expect this from Legina, but USF?)

----->This is factual and documented proof that USFreedom911 is a LIAR<----- "

But it was a no ban thread, until both of you decided to act like entitled children; so there was no lie, but instead a conclusion based on the actions of both of you.


Please think about what happened with Lisa; when it was determined that her reason for being here, was a rules violation and didn't Grind spank you earlier for a thread which you have now requested to be closed.
List the votes from both parties on the Marijuana Tax Acts.

Are you so lazy, that you are unable to fulfill your own curiosity??

Read up on the
Marijuana Tax Act 1937
Neither the House or Senate actually voted.
It was passed without a vote.
Most of the Representatives new nothing about Marijuana

But it was passed by Congress and the Democrats controlled Congress.

The racial aspect was mostly fear-mongering. The real issues involved money, of course. Corporations like DuPont were coming out with products like nylon rope. One can't grow nylon in fields. They didn't want the competition from natural products like hemp. Especially from hemp.
The racial aspect was mostly fear-mongering. The real issues involved money, of course. Corporations like DuPont were coming out with products like nylon rope. One can't grow nylon in fields. They didn't want the competition from natural products like hemp. Especially from hemp.

I had seen that before.
I think if wide spread use in white America had been common,it never would have happened.