Grind = Suicidal

User seperation and access controls sucks a green weenei in XP PRO for sure.
I have not messed with Vista much, got tired of all the "are you really sure you want to do this" and blew it away. Heck yes I am sure I would not clicked on the icon otherwise....
Plus it would not work with my VPN software.
User seperation and access controls sucks a green weenei in XP PRO for sure.
I have not messed with Vista much, got tired of all the "are you really sure you want to do this" and blew it away. Heck yes I am sure I would not clicked on the icon otherwise....
Plus it would not work with my VPN software.

Because, of course, malware programs would not all suddenly start emulating clicks to destroy your computer if Vista had decided that a click was enough to run a security check. If you're feeling lucky, then fine, run a computer with all of your valuable data on it with full root privilidges to all programs at all times. However, this is probably why windows computers were always destroyed all the time in times past. I hate it whenever end-users believe that they know more than the engineers.

BTW, "run as administrator" is the key to a lot of things.
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I tried KDE with some other distros (I think I've tried nearly all of them, Gentoo was a total humiliation for me) but I really didn't like it, although some rave about it. It does have some great applications - Amarok for example, the music player which I'm running now and K3B the burner which is great.

They have some great video editors and image apps on KDE. But I prefer Gnome. And I haven't found a KDE app that I couldn't run on Ubuntu anyway.

It's probably just preference.

I did read somewhere that Konqueror, the KDE browser, is a bit iffy, I found it all a bit much and I'm using Firefox 3.0b5 (Hardy installs 3.0beta) and it's good but I have had Java problems with it and also streaming radio, 2.0 will do it, 3.0b tells me to get stuffed, it's not playing. I can put up with that though.

I'm quite happy with Gnome so Ubuntu rather than Kubuntu works for me. Oh, there are some spin-offs from Ubuntu of course - Mint is very good if you like KDE and it doesn't come with Java problems. If you're a multi-media maniac then have a look at Ubuntu Studio. I love the flexibility of Ubuntu and the whole open source thing. I'm only a user, not a hacker, but there are some clued up folks out there that are only too willing to help when I fiddle with something and break it. I have an AMD64 with XP on it which is my backup I run Ubuntu on a Pentium IV with plenty of RAM and an external hard disk for all my critical data so if I fiddle with the system and break it I don't lose anything important.

One thing about installation. I still haven't mastered partitioning so I just dump the new distro on the hard drive which means bookmarks and emails all gone of course. I think Hardy may be better at guiding partitioning, though I haven't tried. I did have Ubuntu (Dapper) living with XP but in the end I thought stuff this for a game of soldiers and just went Ubuntu totally on this machine.

Gnome is simpler, KDE is more for power users. Linus Travolds once famously insulted Gnome. A lot of people think it's for idiots. However, the overall philosophy behind Gnome is solid. Having too many configurable options can oftentimes just confuse people and lead them to pick bad ones. All I really know about KDE, though, is that whenever I boot it up, all the extra stuff on my laptop works fine, and it doesn't under Gnome, so I'm sticking with KDE. Konquerer is stupid, BTW, and I just use firefox to browse. They should cancle that entire damn project.

Partitioning isn't really as hard as it sounds. I've never had to reinstall my system after partition, and I once even did it on my desktop, which has bad sectors on the hard disk (it's old as fuck and falling apart). However, I am going to wipe the mess I made of my old linux distribution this time around.
That explains my aversion to KDE though it does have some great apps (K3B is just one and some of its image programmes are brilliant). Gnome works for me to just stooge around in without breaking too many things.
Would you recommend Kubuntu over Ubuntu?

Kubuntu is the dog's bollocks and KDE 4.4 is just amazing. Windows 7 has just about plagiarised nearly everything but it is still has the Microsoft bloatware imprimatur.

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Hey, I'm a depressed college student too! :shots:

Anyway, I drive a '94 Lincoln Continental, and Darla can have a ride in it sometime if she wants... :moped: :kiss2:
Hey! You must have read what I posted about fat chicks and mopeds! You're learning 3D.... Keep that up and you won't be a virgin much longer!!! :clink: