Grind wins another road battle. Status: Still undefeated.


on indefiniate mod break
So I saw this tomthread:

and was reminded of something that happened to me about a month ago.

Right after it happened, I wrote the whole thing out to post on JPP and then decided not to, as I was really paranoid that the cops would come arrest me for driving so crazy and where I was there were a lot of cameras so yeah... overly paranoid but I decided to wait on that shit.

So now without further ado, is my road incident written about 30 minutes after it happened, from about a month back:


I am driving somewhere tonight on a back country road, pretty isolated with farms around. I am already going ten miles an hour over going ~55 in a 45 when this douchemonger starts tail gating me. I understand getting tailgated if one is going speed limit or under but seriously bro.. I was 10 miles over. Calm yourself. Anyway this guy must have had a girl in the car because he would sporadically back off as if someone was trying to talk some sense into him. I could see the car losing patience though. Meanwhile the speed limit keeps dipping so I bring my speed down too. This guy just wanted to go at a constant 65 or something.

So it goes down to 35 I am at around 45 and he makes his first huge mistake.... LOL no bro your p.o.s. car isn't going to overtake me. He goes into the opposite lane and I fucking jam that accelerator in a split second. He's not giving up I am cranking it to about 75-80 in a 35 before he has to give up like the pathetic loser he is to GET THE FUCK BACK BEHIND ME with his tail between his legs.

Yeah.. how do you like that? You came at the king and you lost. Owned.

So now he's handicapped a bit because there are a lot of windy roads and it's too dangerous for him to try and overtake me.

But I just have a sense he's gonna try again...

Next straight away he juts out into the opposite lane like I didn't just fucking take him to school 3 minutes ago. Here we go again... VROOOOOOM I am going easily 90 in a 35 I could go to jail for that speed and lo and behold here comes a pile of 6 cars of oncoming traffic... and it's perfect cause this line of cars is being lead by a motherfucking semi truck. Enjoy being a pancake you idiot... you have a suicide wish and want to kill yourself be my guest.

So you would think a sensible person would try and back off and get behind me again but he must have thought I would give a shit about his stupid life. hahahahahah - no. I kept it full speed ahead and this guy's front was at the back of my car......I can't imagine what the on coming traffic thought about this nut coming at them going 85 miles an hour. scary shit. of course this guy had to learn the hard way again that I am just too good for him. GET BEHIND ME ASSHOLE. deal with it. That's where you belong!

So now I am kinda freaked out and adrenaline is crazy because I fully realized once again I seriously would let somebody die in sacrifice of my own pride. I mean I dont' really look at it as my fault, the guy can get behind me any time. Also someone probably had to call the cops so I got the fuck off the road pretty soon after. Us two cars ended going separate ways which I am only sure he was ever thankful for so he didn't have to lose any more face to me.

If you come at Grind, you are going to lose fucker. I will never lose a road war.

Thank you for reading.
nice man, glad to meet a new member of team road destroyer

I sympathize man. People always think they can fuck around with me, going 10 under in the passing lane and what not. I push EVERYONE outta my way. SUVs, Semis, Cops. It doesn't matter. The left lane is my lane. Best keep up.
Grind, you need to move back to Seattle. I-5 affords you the opportunity to school asswhole drivers every time you get behind the wheel.
I sympathize man. People always think they can fuck around with me, going 10 under in the passing lane and what not. I push EVERYONE outta my way. SUVs, Semis, Cops. It doesn't matter. The left lane is my lane. Best keep up.

I can always just pass people going to slow in the passing low. What's really infuriating is two people driving at the exact same speed in both lanes. I've seen massive amounts of people have to pile up behind such idiots before.
I would crash in to you, and when you came out to talk to me, I would kill you. I have a gun in my car. Then I would drive off. Διὸς δ' ετελειετο βουλή · I was late to work, you piece of garbage, this is not a time for merely 10 miles over, there aren't any cops around. I'm sorry if being passed hurts your pathetic ego, now you have no ego, so you should be happier.
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I can always just pass people going to slow in the passing low. What's really infuriating is two people driving at the exact same speed in both lanes. I've seen massive amounts of people have to pile up behind such idiots before.

Yeah, that's pretty damn infuriating.
I seriously have done a straight 90 before, on a "highway" that the county recently tore up and made a gravel road, because southerners would rather live in third world conditions and be an embarrassment to their country than raise taxes. The speed limit was 55. Google navigator, for some reason, estimated that I'd be home in about an hour, I was still 30 minutes away an hour and 30 minutes later and I've got one write up left before the stupid chicken place fires me.
I seriously have done a straight 90 before, on a "highway" that the county recently tore up and made a gravel road, because southerners would rather live in third world conditions than raise taxes. The speed limit was 55.

I have NEVER done the speed limit. My minimum is 5 over, up to 40 over (120 on the Ohio turnpike at night all the way from Youngstown to Toledo).
nice man, glad to meet a new member of team road destroyer

Since I started with the new job, I have averaged 5k miles a month. I take no prisoners!

I am as nice a driver as you want to see on the road, as long as you behave. If you turn on your blinker I'll let you in. Try to bull your way in and I'll ruin your day.
I seriously have done a straight 90 before, on a "highway" that the county recently tore up and made a gravel road, because southerners would rather live in third world conditions and be an embarrassment to their country than raise taxes. The speed limit was 55. Google navigator, for some reason, estimated that I'd be home in about an hour, I was still 30 minutes away an hour and 30 minutes later and I've got one write up left before the stupid chicken place fires me.

90 on a gravel road? Not a problem. You can do more if you stay out of the ruts made by the rest of the drivers.
I can't stand people who find the concept of being passed infuriating. Such people deserve death.

I don't mind someone passing me. What pisses me off is the little jerks in the hopped up Hondas who roar up to my back bumper like they are intimidating me. lol Especially if there is no room for me to get over. All that means is that I get to start playing with them. I find a slow 18 wheeler, get beside it and pace it while they start to boil. Tapping my brakes to scare them provides laughs too.

The only other time I won't let someone pass is when one of those assholes who can't master the cruise control gets on the open road. They are going faster so I move over and let them by. 5 mins later they have slowed to the point I have to pass them, then they speed up and want by me again. If you want to run fast, then run fast. If not, then stay out of my way and let me run.
I can always just pass people going to slow in the passing low. What's really infuriating is two people driving at the exact same speed in both lanes. I've seen massive amounts of people have to pile up behind such idiots before.

that's called a mexican roadblock.
I have NEVER done the speed limit. My minimum is 5 over, up to 40 over (120 on the Ohio turnpike at night all the way from Youngstown to Toledo).

lol yeah who actually goes the speed limit? the fact that those people exist just blows my mind.

my cruising speed is usually just 10 over. Sometimes 15. I like to be able to have a fighting chance to jam my brakes and slow down if I see a cop.

lol yeah who actually goes the speed limit? the fact that those people exist just blows my mind.

my cruising speed is usually just 10 over. Sometimes 15. I like to be able to have a fighting chance to jam my brakes and slow down if I see a cop.

I don't slow down for cops.

Funny story about that actually. About a year ago I was coming home from a range trip, doing 15-20 over on the freeway (so between 85 and 90). I'm about 5 minutes from home, and have more than a few guns in my car, including my FS2000 in duffle bag in the back seat.

So there I am, flying down the freeway. All of a sudden I see blue and red lights. "What the fuck? I DON'T get pulled over here. Must be a new guy". So I pull over and get my shit together. CCW, License, insurance, etc. Sure enough, two cops get out of the car, a new guy and someone who knows me. New Guy (NG) walks up to the drivers side, Bro Cop (BC) to the passenger. I roll both my windows down and have a nice little conversation.
NG: Going a little fast there aren't you?
Me: Was I? I thought everyone else was just being a pussy (hands over my documents).
BC: Hey Bill, how's it going man?
Me: Can't complain, how's work today chief? Training a new guy?
BC: Yeah, something like that. I know you're clean, this is mostly just to show the boot how things should go down. Mind helping me out"
Me: How?
BC: Mind if he runs a search on your car? It's all voluntary.
Me: (looks back at my duffle bag, remembers all the guns in my trunk, the ammo in my glove box) YEAH! Let him search, anything to help you guys out.

So I get out of the car and stand beside BC while NG starts a search. BC asks if I'm clean or have anything on me that I shouldn't, and I tell him to just watch. First thing NG does is check my duffel bag;

Me: "Tis my CCW officer, I handed you my permit remember?" (FS2000 is technically a pistol in MI)

Me and BC and trying hard not to bust a gut now. NG sets my rifle down on my car and pops my glove box. About 500 rounds fall out, And my face is noticeably red from holding in my laughter. Then NG pops my trunk and sees my other guns and ammo and mags and almost shits a brick. He was screaming asking me what I was doing while me and BC were dying of laughter.

BC: Bill, next time please mention that you're driving around with half of a SWAT team in your trunk.
Me: Wouldn't that ruin the training?
BC: Yeah yeah. Try and keep it a little slower ok? And thanks for the help, I'm sure NG will remember this.

NG hands my paperwork back, we all shake hands and I go on my way. Told my boss about it and he hacked up a lung laughing.