Groups to 'out' those who sign petition against same-sex unions

interesting tactics, MM would approve as it is honest deception

Harassing phone calls
Betty Beatty was sick and tired of getting calls about congressional candidate Christine Jennings. Over and over, she was barraged with calls that said, "I'm calling with information about Christine Jennings," and then proceeded on and on.

"They bugged us with their phone calls something terrible," Beatty told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune after the election. "With all her calls, Jennings, Jennings, Jennings, I wouldn't have voted for that woman if she were the only one running."

Thousands of voters like Beatty from Florida's 13th Congressional District were harassed with annoying phone calls that sounded like they were from Christine Jennings' campaign. The problem? Only if you listened to the end of the long call could you find out that the calls were paid for by Jennings' opponents and made to sound as though they were from Jennings herself. In the days before the election, Jennings' opponents made between 388,000 and 1.17 million phone calls to residents of Florida's 13th Congressional District.

But Floridians weren't the only ones receiving these harassing calls. Almost identical deceptive calls with slanted "information about" candidates were made in Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, New Hampshire, California, Georgia and other states. The calls would sometimes come in the middle of the night and would often repeat over and over.
The people that are uncomfortable talking about gay marriages may be in for an eye opening conversation. Not that the callers will threaten them or intimidate them but that the callers may be so much like them.

The opposition paints the gays who want to get married as sexual deviants. But the sex acts are not illegal. If it was about sex this would have been settled already. This is about people who love each other and want to share their lives together in the same committed monogamous relationship that many of the people receiving these phone calls do.

Southernman I sent Esera Tuaolo your comment. He said he would stop by when he has the chance so the two of you can chat.
The people that are uncomfortable talking about gay marriages may be in for an eye opening conversation. Not that the callers will threaten them or intimidate them but that the callers may be so much like them.

The opposition paints the gays who want to get married as sexual deviants. But the sex acts are not illegal. If it was about sex this would have been settled already. This is about people who love each other and want to share their lives together in the same committed monogamous relationship that many of the people receiving these phone calls do.

Southernman I sent Esera Tuaolo your comment. He said he would stop by when he has the chance so the two of you can chat.

you do realize you are saying that obama paints them as sexual deviants....

i think you're painting a broad stroke and winterborn, do you honestly think that the intent is not to intimidate voters to not sign the petition....
you do realize you are saying that obama paints them as sexual deviants....

i think you're painting a broad stroke and winterborn, do you honestly think that the intent is not to intimidate voters to not sign the petition....

I don't care what Obama paints them as. The fact that anyone focuses on their sex life means they are missing the point.

No I am not sure that they are going to intimidate them. I have not seen anything to suggest they would and I have seen plenty to suggest they may just be wanting to educate the people as to what they want.

Since all that was said was "uncomfortable phone call" its hard for anyone to say for sure either way.
so their goal is not to get people to change their vote? yes or no....

and you missed this moron...

don't be stupid and deny that some people will in fact see this as a threat

People aren't allowed to persuade people to change the way they vote? Better tell that to everyone who ever planned to run a campaign of any kind.

Their goal is to make same-sex marriages legal. Which do you think will accomplish that goal:

"Hey you right-wing nutball we are here and we are queer! If you don't vote for gay marriage or refuse to sign the petition against it we are gonna buttfuck on your lawn!"


"Hello my name is Steve. Have you got a minute? My partner and I have lived in suburbs of Sacramento for 10 years now. We love the weather but hate the property taxes. We are worried about the economy and are trying to go green. We are just average citizens trying to make it in the world. And trying to do that together."
Their goal is to make same-sex marriages legal. Which do you think will accomplish that goal:

"Hey you right-wing nutball we are here and we are queer! If you don't vote for gay marriage or refuse to sign the petition against it we are gonna buttfuck on your lawn!"


"Hello my name is Steve. Have you got a minute? My partner and I have lived in suburbs of Sacramento for 10 years now. We love the weather but hate the property taxes. We are worried about the economy and are trying to go green. We are just average citizens trying to make it in the world. And trying to do that together."

For many people it may well be option two but i'll wager there are more than a few anti-gay activists who are quietly hoping for option 1 to come to fruition.
For many people it may well be option two but i'll wager there are more than a few anti-gay activists who are quietly hoping for option 1 to come to fruition.

Yeah there are some loud ones that can make a fool of themselves. But hpefully the sane ones will prevail.
Their goal is to make same-sex marriages legal. Which do you think will accomplish that goal:

"Hey you right-wing nutball we are here and we are queer! If you don't vote for gay marriage or refuse to sign the petition against it we are gonna buttfuck on your lawn!"


"Hello my name is Steve. Have you got a minute? My partner and I have lived in suburbs of Sacramento for 10 years now. We love the weather but hate the property taxes. We are worried about the economy and are trying to go green. We are just average citizens trying to make it in the world. And trying to do that together."

I agree with that as well!
and the first aggressive group member that gets shot? no backlash there, huh? probably charge the guy with a hate crime as well.

like I said, this should end well. :mad:
and the first aggressive group member that gets shot? no backlash there, huh? probably charge the guy with a hate crime as well.

like I said, this should end well. :mad:

The first aggressive group member who gets shot? That will depend on why he was shot. If he was threatening the homeowner then it will tone down the people going door to door. If he was shot because he is gay then it will be tried as a hate crime. (it wouldn't be the first time a gay guy was killed for being gay)

Wasn't this about phonecalls?

And there will be backlash. But there is backlash from everything now days. Feminist backlash, muslim backlash, conservative backlash, bailout backlash, blah blah blah blah. Let'em be pissed. If the shooting was justified then he will be fine. If it wasn't then he better be prepared to be burned.
People aren't allowed to persuade people to change the way they vote? Better tell that to everyone who ever planned to run a campaign of any kind.


I don’t see anything wrong with publishing the names of those who signed the petition, however calling those folks for uncomfortable conversations about the issue is to be deplored and visiting them is just bizarre. Either can lead to more friction, no significant change in opinion, and possible violence.

As for myself, I hang up on political calls from either side and would not discuss the issuer with a casual visitor. There are forums for talking about this issue and my home or my phone line is not one of them.
I don’t see anything wrong with publishing the names of those who signed the petition, however calling those folks for uncomfortable conversations about the issue is to be deplored and visiting them is just bizarre. Either can lead to more friction, no significant change in opinion, and possible violence.

As for myself, I hang up on political calls from either side and would not discuss the issuer with a casual visitor. There are forums for talking about this issue and my home or my phone line is not one of them.

I think this will be what happens 99% of the time.
1. Dems shouldn't do this. It's bullshit but cons do it to
2. STY sits at home dreaming of situations people could get shot in. Fucking lol
3. Republicans false outrage on this vs the dr murdered kinda deserved it; is freaking priceless.
Redneck rightwing gun protecting pussies are funny Boyeeeee
I don’t see anything wrong with publishing the names of those who signed the petition, however calling those folks for uncomfortable conversations about the issue is to be deplored and visiting them is just bizarre. Either can lead to more friction, no significant change in opinion, and possible violence.

As for myself, I hang up on political calls from either side and would not discuss the issuer with a casual visitor. There are forums for talking about this issue and my home or my phone line is not one of them.

I agree....but I also think that, if a business owner, for example, signs the petition, that he or she should be ready and willing to deal with an organized boycott of that business by opponents of the petition drive.
Most of the people who would sign something like this would have no issue being "outted" on their stance.
Most of the people who would sign something like this would have no issue being "outted" on their stance.

that is probably true, however, their goal of course is to stop those who do not want to be "outed" and who do not want "uncomfortable" phone calls, from signing the petition. imo, that is intimidation, if they didn't believe the outing and phonecalls would stop people from signing the petition, there would be no need to do this.

republicans were charged with voter harrassment (posted above) for sending letters to certain voters reminding them of voter fraud law. they were ordered to stop the letters. how is this case any different?

Southern Man, you threatening to commit a hate crime on a public forum?
LOL I don't need to. If the gay boy is anything at all like you, which he obviously would be, my calm truth will piss him off to the point of violence, and at that point I would have to defend myself. :)
I agree....but I also think that, if a business owner, for example, signs the petition, that he or she should be ready and willing to deal with an organized boycott of that business by opponents of the petition drive.

Which of course then leads to protesting outside of his business, which then leads to counter protesting, and then usually physicall confrontation.

Yeah, I can see this ending well.