Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

This one's for you, Sybil. ;)

This week, The Heritage Foundation is updating its Voter Fraud Database with 89 new entries, including 75 convictions and a slew of overturned elections and civil fines targeting vote fraudsters.

With these latest additions, the database now documents 581 cases of proven voter fraud and 848 criminal convictions.

Heritage’s database proves not only that voter fraud is real and ongoing, but also that it is not isolated to any particular state or region.

With the addition of cases from Nebraska and Oklahoma—two states previously unaccounted for in the database—Heritage now has documented proof of electoral fraud in 47 states. This truly is a problem that spans the nation.

What a joke! Assuming all this massive fraud occurred in the same national (which is nowhere mentioned) election it would amount to .0007% of the total. If (and it is nowhere mentioned) this massive voter fraud occurred over many elections and/or years the result it even more laughable. If there was enough voter fraud to make any kind of difference there woud be more convictions. Unless of course all those conservative governors simply don't give a damn.

Whether national or local conservatives seem to be great at alleging voter fraud. Actually finding some and charging (let alone convicting).............................they suck. Pobably because there is little to find.
There are a number of steps which might be taken before the next election to ensure that coming elections integrity (hack-proof voting machines, reconciliation of voting machines with results and intent, a LEGITIMATE purge of non-voters from the rolls...) but this commission will achieve none of those goals. In addition, this commission is forecasted to put private information into the public domain.

Kobach of Kansas researched over 1,700,000 voters and found 9 cases (5 Republican) or instances of voter fraud.

This commission is a voter suppression scam wolf dressed in sheep's clothing.

If Mr. Trump has nothing to hide, let him take the first step and release all of his tax returns (inclusive of all supporting schedules and calculations...the tax return alone on a complex return simply won't tell the full story). Trump should also release the tax returns for any entity of which he is a 5% or more beneficial owner as well as all of the returns of charities where he is an officer, director...

Tax returns alone won't do it Donald, we want all dispositive information to determine how you handled your taxes.