81% of the $800B PPP Loan Program was forgiven by the time this article was published this past spring.
Not a peep about it from Conservatives or BoTHsiDerISTs here on JPP, and that shit's been going on since the summer of 2020.
Two Years Later, Was The PPP Worth It?
The average PPP loan forgiveness was around $95,000.
Conservatives and BoTHSiDerIsTs are running their big, fat, fuckin mouths about forgiving $400B in student loans after those same dipshit Conservatives and BOtHSiDeRiSTS forgave $650B in PPP loans.
Not a peep about it from Conservatives or BoTHsiDerISTs here on JPP, and that shit's been going on since the summer of 2020.
Two Years Later, Was The PPP Worth It?
The average PPP loan forgiveness was around $95,000.
Conservatives and BoTHSiDerIsTs are running their big, fat, fuckin mouths about forgiving $400B in student loans after those same dipshit Conservatives and BOtHSiDeRiSTS forgave $650B in PPP loans.