Guess who's off for a snow day!?

This board is SO not the same w/out you. I'm only posting about 100 times a day now instead of 200.

How is the new job?
This board is SO not the same w/out you. I'm only posting about 100 times a day now instead of 200.

How is the new job?

LOL, only 100 now!:cof1:

Its actually the same job, they just instituted a new site filter. Sux.
The girl is the glue aint she.

Yeah. She was like my cyberboard buddy. I never clicked with a woman on a message board that way. It's true that I clicked with a few men, but you'll have wait for that book to come out.

But Tiana was the first woman. I am totally serious - this place sucks without her. If Damo really loved us he would hire Tiana at her full salary plus benefits to post here.
Yeah. She was like my cyberboard buddy. I never clicked with a woman on a message board that way. It's true that I clicked with a few men, but you'll have wait for that book to come out.

But Tiana was the first woman. I am totally serious - this place sucks without her. If Damo really loved us he would hire Tiana at her full salary plus benefits to post here.

LOL. Believe me if I could figure out a way to make the same $$ I make at work posting on a message board all day long I would.

And enough. You guys are making me blush!
LOL. That reminds me. I just saw a Ted Haggard documentary on HBO yesterday. Evangelicals are retarded.
Lady-T! Great to see you on here. Its just not the same without you.

I almost had a lousy snow day. Left home at 4 am and found a patch of black ice about 10 mins later. Off the road and into the mud. Was stuck for about 2 hrs.

Stay home and post up a storm!!