Guess who's off for a snow day!?

Lady-T! Great to see you on here. Its just not the same without you.

I almost had a lousy snow day. Left home at 4 am and found a patch of black ice about 10 mins later. Off the road and into the mud. Was stuck for about 2 hrs.

Stay home and post up a storm!!

Yikes! Accidents aren't cool. Why were you stuck for so long? Was your car at least running?
hmm this really surprises me they are usually such insightful and thoughtful people.

Yeah, it was pretty funny as they pretended that they have a great sex life now and that his "Same Sex Attraction" was something he could work on. Personally I thought the producer was really weak. She didn't ask him anything. LIke how a grown man in his 50s starts taking meth?
Yeah, it was pretty funny as they pretended that they have a great sex life now and that his "Same Sex Attraction" was something he could work on. Personally I thought the producer was really weak. She didn't ask him anything. LIke how a grown man in his 50s starts taking meth?

That's great comedy, I wish I had seen it.
That's great comedy, I wish I had seen it.

If you forget about his past completely, you feel sorry him. It showed his family moving from place to place - apparently the church had exiled him from Colorado (I didn't know it was possible). they were staying in random people's homes, hotels, he was applying for menial jobs and finally started school at like Devry or Phoenix Online. He definitely hit rock bottom. And still had that phony smile on his face.
Yikes! Accidents aren't cool. Why were you stuck for so long? Was your car at least running?

I live in the middle no nowhere. So I had to wait until the local store opened and I could call someone. No cell phone reception in the mtns.

No injury or damage, just slid to the edge of an embankment down.
I live in the middle no nowhere. So I had to wait until the local store opened and I could call someone. No cell phone reception in the mtns.

No injury or damage, just slid to the edge of an embankment down.

OMG. That sux. Well, good thing you're okay!
LOL, oh yeah, they had him going door to door selling something. He hadn't had any bites.
His life is like a reality show. Very surreal, actually. He'll probably convince some church somewhere that he's "cast the demon of homosexuality out" but will have to "fight it off constantly" as he is now more accessible to the demon.

They'll hire him on, and he'll be right back in saddle.