Gulf Stream is weakest it's been in more than 1,000 years


ButterMilk Man
A group of scientists from Europe presented new research this week claiming that the Gulf Stream is weaker now than it's been at any point over the last 1,000 years. The Gulf Stream is an Atlantic Ocean current that plays a largely hidden role in shaping weather patterns in the United States. Much has been researched and learned about the influential current over the past 500 years, particularly due to the expertise of one of America's Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin.

But in recent decades, a shift in the Gulf Stream's circulation has become weaker than any other time over the last millennium, according to a recently published study by scientists from Ireland, Britain and Germany. The weakening of the Gulf Stream, formally known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), can be mostly pinned to one catalyst, the researchers said: human-caused climate change.

This smells like Bull Shit. If I am to take this seriously I will need a detailed accounting for how these people know what the Gulf Stream looked like more than 1000 years ago.
I will need a detailed accounting for how these people know what the Gulf Stream looked like more than 1000 years ago.


"The dating of the currents can be done in a variety of different ways. Direct measurements with deep-ocean instruments only go back to 2004, but other methods can help piece together the puzzle, such as analysis of coral and historical data from ship logs. Tree rings can tell how wet or dry the nearby land climate was in the past, which can be linked to sea surface temperatures. Ice cores can pretty much tell the same thing as well as how warm or cold it was in the past. Ocean sediments can show if there were high or low runoff periods from nearby precipitation over land, which could be linked to how warm or cold sea surface temperatures were in the past. Researchers have used all of these clues to inform the understanding, which stretches back more than a millennium, they've developed of the Gulf Stream."
Maybe he is expecting someone here to look it up for him??

I volunteer primO, he doesn't have anything better to do
Maybe he is expecting someone here to look it up for him??

I volunteer primO, he doesn't have anything better to do

I am making the point that we are almost certainly being lied to again.

Your lack of ability to track is sad.
Don't you trust the SCIENCE™?

Given how much the Revolution hates Christianity ( Bus Drivers to UTOPIA have always tended to go after religion) any day now I would not be shocked to see "Scientists" announce with great excitement "We have proven that there is no God!".

The Gulf Stream1899
It'sh Glerbul Wermins, doood! Run fer yur lives!
View attachment 19214

I am personally offended by how our failed elite class now trots out Bull Shit and then announces "It is science" or "We are scientists, we know, trust us" and we are then to all shut up...on pain of being mocked and humiliated.

These the same people who are working hard to cancel biology.

I am personally offended by how our failed elite class now trots out Bull Shit and then announces "It is science" or "We are scientists, we know, trust us" and we are then to all shut up...on pain of being mocked and humiliated.

These the same people who are working hard to cancel biology.


Apparently they know they have conditioned some to just accept that bullshit as fact.
Public schools (many) are now "conditioning centers".
Apparently they know they have conditioned some to just accept that bullshit as fact.
Public schools (many) are now "conditioning centers".

Half the point of destroying education from Pre-K to Post Doc is to keep the people too stupid to be able to resist.
I am personally offended by how our failed elite class now trots out Bull Shit and then announces "It is science" or "We are scientists, we know, trust us" and we are then to all shut up...on pain of being mocked and humiliated.

These the same people who are working hard to cancel biology.


Note how their cheerleaders never have STEM degrees.
Note how their cheerleaders never have STEM degrees.

Bret and Heather have talked a lot about this attack on both biology and stem....I feel somewhat up on it.

Gad Sad and Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia and I think Douglas Murray talk on this as well.

It all boils down to this Revolution being a cult.
Bret and Heather have talked a lot about this attack on both biology and stem....I feel somewhat up on it.

Gad Sad and Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia and I think Douglas Murray talk on this as well.

It all boils down to this Revolution being a cult.

As a Professional Engineer with advanced training in environmental science I find it laughable what these type claim.
As a Professional Engineer with advanced training in environmental science I find it laughable what these type claim.

OK then you are the perfect one to teach me, I would be ever so did this happen, who is most to blame....and more importantly who do I blame for refusing to fix science....and allowing a cult to constantly attack science with almost no resistance?