Gulf Stream is weakest it's been in more than 1,000 years

OK then you are the perfect one to teach me, I would be ever so did this happen, who is most to blame....and more importantly who do I blame for refusing to fix science....and allowing a cult to constantly attack science with almost no resistance?

I went to school with a lot of guys that I wouldn't trust to change a light bulb, never mind the oil in my car...
I went to school with a lot of guys that I wouldn't trust to change a light bulb, never mind the oil in my car...

I had a science guy tell me that half of what is required to be successful in his position is writing winning grant proposals....that it is all about the money.
I had a science guy tell me that half of what is required to be successful in his position is writing winning grant proposals....that it is all about the money.

I've never been the academic or research type, but yes, "publish or perish" is the game. It makes no difference if what is published is correct, just that your enough of your peers agree with your opinion.

Me, I just deal with hard facts.