Satire for Sanity
why is global warming ( caused mainly by the sun) causing a Gulf Stream disruption?
Arctic ice melt.
why is global warming ( caused mainly by the sun) causing a Gulf Stream disruption?
let me see a source with that current claim disruption by cold water from ArcticArctic ice melt.
let me see a source with that current claim disruption by cold water from Arctic
Arctic melt leading to weakest Gulf Stream in a 1,000 years
Gulf Stream water currents in the Atlantic Ocean have slowed to the weakest in as long as 1,000 years, threatening shifts in US and European weather, as well as coastal sea levels including in New York and Boston.
The loss of Arctic sea ice as a result of global warming could have dramatic and potentially catastrophic effects on the climate of much of the northern hemisphere, according to a new report.
Scientists at Yale University and the University of Southampton recently demonstrated that the ongoing loss of sea ice is actively changing one of Earth’s main systems for transporting water — the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
To put it simply, AMOC circulates cold, dense water from the north Atlantic southward and warm, salty water from the tropical Atlantic northward. This system, which includes the Gulf Stream, plays a major role in maintaining the global climate, and its deterioration could have a dramatic impact.
“We have shown that this contraction of Arctic sea ice leads over the course of several decades to the weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation,”
The shutting off of the Gulf Stream will be a catastrophic climatic event. Here's what would happen;
Arctic ice melt will produce massive quantities of cold water which will sink and flow south .
These masses of cold water will encounter the warm Gulf Stream currents flowing north and , literally, block their northern progress.
The far denser cold water will firstly flow beneath the warm stream until it just ain't warm no more, girls and boys.
We've been warned about this for over fifty years- and now it appears imminent.
Ebay has some good deals on Norwegian thermal socks.
Folk are free to follow the rantings of JPP Deniers- or they can follow the science;
Current Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakest in last millennium
L. Caesar, G. D. McCarthy, D. J. R. Thornalley, N. Cahill & S. Rahmstorf
Nature Geoscience (2021)
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)—one of Earth’s major ocean circulation systems—redistributes heat on our planet and has a major impact on climate. Here, we compare a variety of published proxy records to reconstruct the evolution of the AMOC since about AD 400. A fairly consistent picture of the AMOC emerges: after a long and relatively stable period, there was an initial weakening starting in the nineteenth century, followed by a second, more rapid, decline in the mid-twentieth century, leading to the weakest state of the AMOC occurring in recent decades.