GUN ban Leads to Revolution?

If they try to take our guns there will be another civil war.

As it should be.

My arsenal's ready. #glocknloaded

Just how small is your penis?

no there won't.

While there will undoubtedly be quite a few tiny skirmishes where nutbars who think they have the arsenal necessary to stand toe to toe with the US military get their asses LITERally handed to them, the outcome won't ever really be in doubt.

It's historically proven that the colonial militias were woefully inable to take on the military. As they are today.

you sound like hitler. Hitler immediately tried to disarm germany and hated an armed populace.

See I can do that too.

Enough of your false equivalency bullshit, it's the refuge of the dumb and stupid when they don't have anything real to offer to the conversation.

How about some real equivalency? In colonial days indentured servants, blacks, Indians, and (shudder!) Catholics weren't allowed to own guns. Furthermore, anyone, anyone! "deemed" to be untrustworthy had their guns, all of their guns! taken from them.

Using the rationale of colonial America, several members of this forum should rightly have their guns taken from them. Particularly those recommending overthrow of our government.
The military are pro-gun people, you of all people Zappy, should know that. Obama managed to deny many military guys the right to vote in this last election, do you really think that they would shoot at US, "Their Own People"?

The military are also sworn to the Commander in Chief.
The military are pro-gun people, you of all people Zappy, should know that. Obama managed to deny many military guys the right to vote in this last election, do you really think that they would shoot at US, "Their Own People"?

Lmao, still making stuff up! It was your forte'
Ha. Good luck with that.

Several things to consider.

a. Our enlisted people overwhelmingly voted for Obama.

b. Amazingly, the military puts food on families tables and takes care of it's own.

c. There's some awful big military prisons out there.

d. Only a very small fraction of the military (those recruited by Bush when standards were laxed - like STY) are actually crazy enough to think civil war or insurrection is the way to go.

Sane people create change with their votes. Insane people do with guns and incendiary words.
Several things to consider.

a. Our enlisted people overwhelmingly voted for Obama.


b. Amazingly, the military puts food on families tables and takes care of it's own.

c. There's some awful big military prisons out there.

d. Only a very small fraction of the military (those recruited by Bush when standards were laxed - like STY) are actually crazy enough to think civil war or insurrection is the way to go.

Sane people create change with their votes. Insane people do with guns and incendiary words.
If you think the American people are willing to give up their guns for your little wannabe dictator, you are in for one hell of a surprise. Hahahahaha

Gun control is a libtard pipe dream and will remain so. Even little black Jeebus can't trump the 2nd. ;)

If you think the American people are willing to give up their guns for your little wannabe dictator, you are in for one hell of a surprise. Hahahahaha

Gun control is a libtard pipe dream and will remain so. Even little black Jeebus can't trump the 2nd. ;)


If you think the American people are willing to give up their guns for your little wannabe dictator, you are in for one hell of a surprise. Hahahahaha

Gun control is a libtard pipe dream and will remain so. Even little black Jeebus can't trump the 2nd. ;)
He will try by issueing Excutive Orders, just as I have stated all along. Keep buying up ammo, that will be the weak link in the chain, if the chain ever gets tested by the gun grabbing Lib Demos. Thank God, there are still some pro-gun Democrats, and that is why Obama cannot get any gun laws passed. No matter how sensible the new gun laws proposals may sound, we have to put our foot down Right here, and say NO. Charlton Heston said it Right...........
the blood of the traitor gun grabbers flowing through the streets will bring me so much joy. Death is the only solution for these treasonous un-American enemies of ours.

No wonder the US has been at war longer then they have been at peace, Any one that disagrees with them has to be killed.. Who needs dialogue and sanity when you have gun's? Really should learn to change your tune before the US does descend into a civil war and every other nation you have screwed other flips you off..
He will try by issueing Excutive Orders, just as I have stated all along. Keep buying up ammo, that will be the weak link in the chain, if the chain ever gets tested by the gun grabbing Lib Demos. Thank God, there are still some pro-gun Democrats, and that is why Obama cannot get any gun laws passed. No matter how sensible the new gun laws proposals may sound, we have to put our foot down Right here, and say NO. Charlton Heston said it Right...........

So even sensible gun law's are out of the question? And that is why they Lib's are pushing so hard, You are not willing to work with them so they have to fight harden because your to damn stupid or proud to do what has to be done.
No wonder the US has been at war longer then they have been at peace, Any one that disagrees with them has to be killed.. Who needs dialogue and sanity when you have gun's? Really should learn to change your tune before the US does descend into a civil war and every other nation you have screwed other flips you off..

i hope we do have a civil war. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
So even sensible gun law's are out of the question? And that is why they Lib's are pushing so hard, You are not willing to work with them so they have to fight harden because your to damn stupid or proud to do what has to be done.


Guns are the ultimate protector of our liberties, and they exist to prevent you from doing exactly what you are trying to do.

We would not dare to compromise on the 1st amendment, or the 4th, or 5th. the 2nd is no different. It is sacred. If you want to rid the constitution of it, PASS A FUCKING AMENDMENT.
to damn stupid or proud to do what has to be done.

nothing has to be done. Gun control does not work, and even if it did, our nation prospers because of our firearms. The death of some is completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. 3000 died on 9/11 and the left was furious over the patriot act which would help us be more effective at catching terrorists. They KNEW THEN that those that would give up freedom for security deserve neither. They knew that in spite of the 3000 dead, our liberties were more important.

The problem is ultimately the gun grabbers see guns not as a guardian of our rights. They see them as play things and hunter's toys. So no wonder they don't give a fuck about the 2nd amendment.

Some however, see the 2nd amendment for what it is, as the ultimate protection of our liberties. To compromise on that protection is to compromise on our liberties themselves.

We WILL NOT COMPROMISE on our liberties. You want our guns, Come and TAKE THEM, FROM OUR COLD DEAD HANDS.
The military are also sworn to the Commander in Chief.
Illegal orders are not to be obeyed.....
"It's clear, under military law, that military members can be held accountable for crimes committed under the guise of "obeying orders," and there is no requirement to obey orders which are unlawful. However, here's the rub: A military member disobeys such orders at his/her own peril. Ultimately, it's not whether or not the military member thinks the order is illegal or unlawful, it's whether military superiors (and courts) think the order was illegal or unlawful."
So even sensible gun law's are out of the question? And that is why they Lib's are pushing so hard, You are not willing to work with them so they have to fight harden because your to damn stupid or proud to do what has to be done.
I have stated this many times, the gun grabbers will never stop trying to get our guns, so we(millions) have decided to make our stand.
Several things to consider.

a. Our enlisted people overwhelmingly voted for Obama.

b. Amazingly, the military puts food on families tables and takes care of it's own.

c. There's some awful big military prisons out there.

d. Only a very small fraction of the military (those recruited by Bush when standards were laxed - like STY) are actually crazy enough to think civil war or insurrection is the way to go.

Sane people create change with their votes. Insane people do with guns and incendiary words.
You are talking out of your pointed hat again, we are not talking about a few thousand people here, there will be hundreds of millions of pissed off gun owners to deal with. That is why Obama will be forced top use executive Orders to try to get his gun grab agenda into "LAW". We are not playing games here, keep away from our guns, forget about it.
i hope we do have a civil war. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


Guns are the ultimate protector of our liberties, and they exist to prevent you from doing exactly what you are trying to do.

We would not dare to compromise on the 1st amendment, or the 4th, or 5th. the 2nd is no different. It is sacred. If you want to rid the constitution of it, PASS A FUCKING AMENDMENT.

nothing has to be done. Gun control does not work, and even if it did, our nation prospers because of our firearms. The death of some is completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. 3000 died on 9/11 and the left was furious over the patriot act which would help us be more effective at catching terrorists. They KNEW THEN that those that would give up freedom for security deserve neither. They knew that in spite of the 3000 dead, our liberties were more important.

The problem is ultimately the gun grabbers see guns not as a guardian of our rights. They see them as play things and hunter's toys. So no wonder they don't give a fuck about the 2nd amendment.

Some however, see the 2nd amendment for what it is, as the ultimate protection of our liberties. To compromise on that protection is to compromise on our liberties themselves.

We WILL NOT COMPROMISE on our liberties. You want our guns, Come and TAKE THEM, FROM OUR COLD DEAD HANDS.

You're such a rabble rouser. :)

Illegal orders are not to be obeyed.....
"It's clear, under military law, that military members can be held accountable for crimes committed under the guise of "obeying orders," and there is no requirement to obey orders which are unlawful. However, here's the rub: A military member disobeys such orders at his/her own peril. Ultimately, it's not whether or not the military member thinks the order is illegal or unlawful, it's whether military superiors (and courts) think the order was illegal or unlawful."

But when the Commander in Chief orders the military to stop you crazies it'll be a lawful order.

You are talking out of your pointed hat again, we are not talking about a few thousand people here, there will be hundreds of millions of pissed off gun owners to deal with. That is why Obama will be forced top use executive Orders to try to get his gun grab agenda into "LAW". We are not playing games here, keep away from our guns, forget about it.

I'd like the name of every one of those million people.

Also, did you miss my post that proved even the colonial militias were unable to fight the government?

Or the one where Obama will use laws and Executive Orders to bring about stricter gun control?

Gun control does not work, and even if it did, our nation prospers because of our firearms. The death of some is completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. 3000 died on 9/11 and the left was furious over the patriot act which would help us be more effective at catching terrorists. They KNEW THEN that those that would give up freedom for security deserve neither. They knew that in spite of the 3000 dead, our liberties were more important.