Gun Control: Today's The Day

handing over the reins of who gets to enjoy rights to a government who has shown zero remorse in removing those rights is tantamount to begging for slavery.

fast and furious, waco, ruby ridge, gitmo, rendition, waterboarding, ndaa, bonus army massacre, wounded knee.......why you retards still have complete faith in government boggles the mind.

Is Timothy McVeigh your hero?

Do you masturbate while reading the Turner Diaries?

Is your mother also your sister?

There is no sense trying to discuss this further with an anti-American, paranoid inbred.
Is Timothy McVeigh your hero?

Do you masturbate while reading the Turner Diaries?

Is your mother also your sister?

There is no sense trying to discuss this further with an anti-American, paranoid inbred.
wow, you really get all bent out of shape when your BS is called out, don't you?
Sorry to hear you failed out of high school.

But scientific research and criminology is tad more complicated, sweetie.

Let the big people handle it from here on out.

BTW -- you left out, 6) I'm drunk and I caught my brother coming out my trailer and his fingers smelled like my wife's snatch. Yee-ha!!

Eh, must be nice to live in a upper middle class white neighborhood where crime and killing is only something you read about in the paper and you are oblivious to death and destruction caused by drugs and gangs.

And "sweetie"? Figures I can't get a date for 40 years and the minute I get married I get someone hitting on me.
nothing but a super appeal to emotion. this plan will do nothing to stop crime, it's intention being nothing more than further movement towards eliminating the constitution. The founding fathers are all face palming themselves as you beg for slavery.

So I was right. You're doing absolutely nothing but bitch on an internet forum. So much for the revolution, huh?

How can you make an argument that a letter to mental health professionals telling them that no federal law bans them from reporting dangerous patients to law enforcement might not prevent a crime?

You're talking to STY...he wants to stay as far away from the mental health professionals as possible...

I have not seen any statistics so I'm open to being shown that I am wrong but I am willing to bet that the majority of killings in this country evolve around either drugs or gangs.

I think studies show the majority of murders the victim knew the killer and they involve domestic situations.

Another example of a reactionary anti-gun loon speaking from a position of abject ignorance.
There's no such thing as a "high capacity gun."

You and your habit of illustrating the petulance and ignorance of your side make things that much easier for our side - please, keep up the good work.

Ok, that's two!

I knew none of you gun nuts were going to revolt. You're just going to complain like little babies on an internet forum.

The reasons kids join gangs are as varied as the kids, the reason they sell drugs, money, power. Turf wars, protect their market.

I understand there are varying reasons kids join gangs. But when it comes to killings a majority are gang or drug related (or both). We don't need a report by the CBC to tell us that.
I understand there are varying reasons kids join gangs. But when it comes to killings a majority are gang or drug related (or both). We don't need a report by the CBC to tell us that.

I agree another study isn't going to do crap. They already have the data.
I agree another study isn't going to do crap. They already have the data.

I remember my sophmore year at USC I lived just off campus. They brought in a couple of police officers one evening to make a presentation about the various gangs in the area that surrounded campus. It essentially was a talk about how to be safe and be aware of your environment.

The city of LA has had anti-gang task forces for years trying to fight the gang problem. Unfortunately I don't think it will ever go away though I hold out hope it will get better. It seems we both agree this information is not new.
The city of LA has had anti-gang task forces for years trying to fight the gang problem. Unfortunately I don't think it will ever go away though I hold out hope it will get better. It seems we both agree this information is not new.

Life in LA is nothing like life in real America.
Sunshine and lollipops!

You sound like Sarah Palin talking about 'real America'.

I've lived in a number of places in the U.S. and I know its not sunshine and lollipops. LA is bigger and has more sprawl and people than most places but how is it not real America?
You said it, not me. You will rarely find me sticking up for or saying anything nice about LA but to claim it's not real America? WTH is that?

In all actuality, LA is all of America. It's a melting pot of people from every state in the country, and even many countries around the world.

In that measure, it's also not real America. With it's uniqueness comes the loss of geographic identities, mores, and characteristics.
Sorry to hear you failed out of high school.

But scientific research and criminology is tad more complicated, sweetie.

Let the big people handle it from here on out.

BTW -- you left out, 6) I'm drunk and I caught my brother coming out my trailer and his fingers smelled like my wife's snatch. Yee-ha!!

You should tell your brother to leave your sister alone.
Today (actually in about half an hour) we'll hear the President's plan to keep high capacity guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.

Today we'll see if the extreme right of gun nuts and conspiracy freaks will live up to their name or prove themselves to be blustering fools. Today the extremists on this forum will undoubtedly bring up the Godwin Rule, Communism, Anarchy, etc.


Today is change. For the good.

Post your hatred here. Post your appreciation of common sense here.
It was a big flop, and here I was all worried, butt after all the hype was over, I can clearly see now that it was just to appease the soccer moms, look like they were doing something. Pro gun Harry Reed and Bohner will not do a thing about changing any gun laws......NEXT good shooter, and no Moore Executive order blanks this time around....LOL
It was a big flop, and here I was all worried, butt after all the hype was over, I can clearly see now that it was just to appease the soccer moms, look like they were doing something. Pro gun Harry Reed and Bohner will not do a thing about changing any gun laws......NEXT good shooter, and no Moore Executive order blanks this time around....LOL

55% of citizens support Obama on this issue.
So I was right. You're doing absolutely nothing but bitch on an internet forum. So much for the revolution, huh?
You're talking to STY...he wants to stay as far away from the mental health professionals as possible...
I think studies show the majority of murders the victim knew the killer and they involve domestic situations.
Ok, that's two!
I knew none of you gun nuts were going to revolt. You're just going to complain like little babies on an internet forum.
Please, keep up the good work.