Gun Monkey Follies: arming teachers

1. Why? Because like many others here over the years, you think it enhances/validates/supports your personal supposition and conjecture on any topic. Problem with that is that when given critical analysis, your "professional experience" doesn't cut the mustard logically, much less rationally.

2. So you haven't looked at the material presented, but you already have a preconceived notion of it. :rolleyes:

3. NO, you can't agree then turn around and essentially state the same premise. Your school "family" is radically different from your real, home family. For starters, you don't have 100% say in those kids lives as you do with your own. Also, you sure as hell are not having sex or fathering kids with any of your fellow female teachers (unless you're in the unique and rare situation of teaching where your spouse does also).

4. Again, if you have no problem with what I put forth initially, then you shouldn't try to split hairs. To clarify, I'm talking about registering guns like you do cars, which includes registering sales. And no, mental illness and illegal gun sales are NOT the biggest problem.....the easiness of buying guns in some states by folk with a mental history is the problem. The lax gun laws in some states make it easy for "iron pipelines" to states with more stringent laws. The purchaser buying multiple weapons over a period of time may not have a criminal record...but their associates may have. This has been proven. AND if you remove military grade weapons like the AR-15 style, you pare down the ability of nut jobs and anarchist to do that much more damage. Matters of fact, matters of history.
Bottom line...I'm a retired MS and HS special education teacher and coach of quite a number of sports and groups...If you don't agree with my contributions or advice, that's not my fault, nor am I concerned...but you are certainly entitled to your opinion...I'm always respectful of that....;) My school family is my family...ask your brother how that works...;)
Mental illness and illegal guns are the biggest problem right now...
Sincerely, I'm glad you are concerned...we all need to be...We'll get things back on track....
I'm a retried MS and HS special education teacher and coach...I'm sorry that you can't accept that, but it is what it is...My school family is my family...ask your brother how that works... Mental illness and illegal guns are the biggest problem..
I am glad you are concerned...we all have to be...We'll get things back on track when we get this country back... that should begin in November at the latest, though we're continuing to work on it now...

I'm a retried MS and HS special education teacher and coach :palm::laugh:
1. Why? Because like many others here over the years, you think it enhances/validates/supports your personal supposition and conjecture on any topic. Problem with that is that when given critical analysis, your "professional experience" doesn't cut the mustard logically, much less rationally.

2. So you haven't looked at the material presented, but you already have a preconceived notion of it. :rolleyes:

3. NO, you can't agree then turn around and essentially state the same premise. Your school "family" is radically different from your real, home family. For starters, you don't have 100% say in those kids lives as you do with your own. Also, you sure as hell are not having sex or fathering kids with any of your fellow female teachers (unless you're in the unique and rare situation of teaching where your spouse does also).

4. Again, if you have no problem with what I put forth initially, then you shouldn't try to split hairs. To clarify, I'm talking about registering guns like you do cars, which includes registering sales. And no, mental illness and illegal gun sales are NOT the biggest problem.....the easiness of buying guns in some states by folk with a mental history is the problem. The lax gun laws in some states make it easy for "iron pipelines" to states with more stringent laws. The purchaser buying multiple weapons over a period of time may not have a criminal record...but their associates may have. This has been proven. AND if you remove military grade weapons like the AR-15 style, you pare down the ability of nut jobs and anarchist to do that much more damage. Matters of fact, matters of history.
I'm a retired MS and HS special education teacher and coach...I'm sorry that you can't accept that, but it is what it is...My school family is my family...ask your brother how that works... Mental illness and illegal guns are the biggest problem..
I am glad you are concerned...we all have to be...We'll get things back on track when we get this country back... that should begin in November at the latest, though we're continuing to work on it now...
That was answer to my offer yet...let's bet...this much...;)
Not a single taker...I wonder why?:laugh:
Tell me about it! My youngest brother (now 58) has been a teacher for years and private tutor. Not only the money, but the time put into prep, meetings with other teachers, PTA, etc.

Tell your kid I thank her for her service!

I will, and thank you.

That's a very good point about unpaid time teachers spend. It sounds nice to have summers off, but in reality it's only a few weeks. Many of them take PT jobs then to make ends meet, like my son-in-law does.
And as usual, when taken to task point for point on his statements and assertions, Arby is proven wrong logically, factually and rationally.

But in typical gun monkey fashion, he just ignores all else and parrots his original drivel as if that's proof he is correct.


Once again, I've reduced Arby to a sputtering 12 year old stamping his widdle feet in frustration. Now he'll seek solace with the other gun monkies while getting nods from the man in the mirror.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 year old.

Attempted proof by void.
Uvalde school system had a police force made up of armed security that while having no formal training are legally police officers. There were also a dozen actual police officers on the site at the time. Robb was one of the best armed schools in America. The problem, none of the armed people were willing to die to save Hispanic kids.

There was no armed guard at Uvalde when the shooting began, Sybil.
There were a dozen police that followed Ramos into the building. There was supposed to be an armed guard in the building. He was being paid to be there, but may not have been there. Uvalde's police, and guards have a lot of answer for. They terrorized that school with constant gun drills, and then when they actually had to do something, they chickened out.

There was no armed guard at Uvalde when the shooting began, Sybil.
I'm a retired MS and HS special education teacher and coach...I'm sorry that you can't accept that, but it is what it is...My school family is my family...ask your brother how that works... Mental illness and illegal guns are the biggest problem..
I am glad you are concerned...we all have to be...We'll get things back on track when we get this country back... that should begin in November at the latest, though we're continuing to work on it now...

I like your confidence, but the big danger is yet another election fault in 2024 caused by election fraud by Democrats. They are already working toward it.
And what do you think Democrats would do if the election cycled and Trump actually won?

Keep yer powder dry.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

1. Why? Because like many others here over the years, you think it enhances/validates/supports your personal supposition and conjecture on any topic. Problem with that is that when given critical analysis, your "professional experience" doesn't cut the mustard logically, much less rationally.

2. So you haven't looked at the material presented, but you already have a preconceived notion of it. :rolleyes:

3. NO, you can't agree then turn around and essentially state the same premise. Your school "family" is radically different from your real, home family. For starters, you don't have 100% say in those kids lives as you do with your own. Also, you sure as hell are not having sex or fathering kids with any of your fellow female teachers (unless you're in the unique and rare situation of teaching where your spouse does also).

4. Again, if you have no problem with what I put forth initially, then you shouldn't try to split hairs. To clarify, I'm talking about registering guns like you do cars, which includes registering sales. And no, mental illness and illegal gun sales are NOT the biggest problem.....the easiness of buying guns in some states by folk with a mental history is the problem. The lax gun laws in some states make it easy for "iron pipelines" to states with more stringent laws. The purchaser buying multiple weapons over a period of time may not have a criminal record...but their associates may have. This has been proven. AND if you remove military grade weapons like the AR-15 style, you pare down the ability of nut jobs and anarchist to do that much more damage. Matters of fact, matters of history.

I'm a retired MS and HS special education teacher and coach...I'm sorry that you can't accept that, but it is what it is...My school family is my family...ask your brother how that works... Mental illness and illegal guns are the biggest problem..
I am glad you are concerned...we all have to be...We'll get things back on track when we get this country back... that should begin in November at the latest, though we're continuing to work on it now...

All you're doing is just proving the #1 point I previously made.....parroting it ad nausea won't make it more valid. And my brother could teach you a thing or two about the "school family" as opposed to his biological family (a few decades of teaching/tutoring in various educational venues. So repeating that BS of yours doesn't cut it. And of course, repeating a gun monkey mantra is not a new discussion point. It just becomes empty rhetoric when previously deconstructed, as I did in #4. Your last sentence is just worthless smoke blowing of a MAGA/gun monkey troll who can't debate an issue logically and factually.
That was answer to my offer yet...let's bet...this much...;)
Not a single taker...I wonder why?:laugh:

So 3 minutes focusing on ONE flub....and you Trump chumps orgasm over it....WTF does that have to do WITH THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD HERE? Seems like just another MAGA mook dodge....when you can't defend one stance, you change the subject. Pathetic.

Okay, folks. Matty has mentally deteriorated into a petulant child once again. He does this EVERY time I take him to task on a subject and he can't logically or factually defend his stance. So I leave him to his parroted blather and childish memes for another month or so. He'll periodically dog my posts and threads DESPITE being notified that I can't see them. Hope springs eternal that he'll be more mature/sober when I engage him again.
I'm a retired MS and HS special education teacher and coach...I'm sorry that you can't accept that, but it is what it is...My school family is my family...ask your brother how that works... Mental illness and illegal guns are the biggest problem..
I am glad you are concerned...we all have to be...We'll get things back on track when we get this country back... that should begin in November at the latest, though we're continuing to work on it now...

I think you have a typo here, as this is a repeat. No one is buying your BS the first time. Just thought you should know.