Gun Monkey Follies: arming teachers

Originally Posted by archives View Post
Ah, no, quite the contrary:

“Teacher shortages continue to plague US: 86% of public schools struggle to hire educators,” (

In fact, some States are beginning to cut teacher education requirements just to fill the classrooms, and who blames them, teaching in America sucks right now and probably isn’t going to get any better

Exactly...teachers who Want to teach will...So let them know you'll support them and let them teach...That's what's missing... Darn right there's a shortage...very sad...

Again, you dodge the point and much information. As it was stated earlier, teaching today demands more of the teachers than just teaching ... and it can get expensive depending upon the subject and what costs comes out-of-pocket for them.

Stressed out, burned out and dropping out: Why teachers are leaving the classroom

Many teachers are not paid very well. They have to moonlight. They have to have a second or a third job. And now they're asked to buy equipment and resources from their own pocket in order to do that job. That doesn't really incentivize teachers to stay.
Originally Posted by Walt View Post
You list yourself as a "retired teacher".

Anyway, it is illegal to allow students access to books that have not been approved Florida Department of Education. That means if you were a teacher in Florida, and were giving out books, you would be committing a crime.

I am a retired teacher... Teachers in Florida can give out books... Text books have to be approved...Why not all books ? Nothing wrong with that at all... If a student wants a book that is not approved by the system their parent can buy it for them..

Another dodge, as some books that are effectively banned from being taught have NOTHING to do with the (GASP!) alphabet-gay situation on any level. But you're okay with that and are okay with there suddenly be a budget for your weapons purchase and training. That's warped thinking.
Some people must think there are no teachers who can hunt, recreational shoot, or have guns of their own...
Some people must think there are no teachers who can hunt, recreational shoot, or have guns of their own...

Are you fucking stupid or what? What the hell does OFF THE CLOCK, PRIVATE TIME ACTIVITIES have to do with the absurd notion of arming teachers in the class room (grade to high school)? Are YOU proposing one or two gun owners that you described who happen to be teachers be allowed to pack in class? Hmm, that doesn't make sense, as an attack can happen ANYWHERE in a building. For your gun monkey fantasy to work, there would have to be a larger portion of the faculty to be armed at all times. That means purchase and training. Who's going to pay for that? Hell, most teachers foot the bill for supplies and such in the classroom as it is!

Think before you type, son. You're an embarrassment.

RB = Really Boorish 60 year old.
Are you fucking stupid or what? What the hell does OFF THE CLOCK, PRIVATE TIME ACTIVITIES have to do with the absurd notion of arming teachers in the class room (grade to high school)? Are YOU proposing one or two gun owners that you described who happen to be teachers be allowed to pack in class? Hmm, that doesn't make sense, as an attack can happen ANYWHERE in a building. For your gun monkey fantasy to work, there would have to be a larger portion of the faculty to be armed at all times. That means purchase and training. Who's going to pay for that? Hell, most teachers foot the bill for supplies and such in the classroom as it is!

Think before you type, son. You're an embarrassment.

RB = Really Boorish 60 year old.

Well, to answer your first question, no, I am not stupid or what.
To answer your second question, familiarization and experience with a weapon.
To answer your third question, yes. If properly trained or can prove equivalent.
To answer your fourth question, the teacher pays for it. Carry would be voluntary.
Yep (since you are now rambling), it's possible something could happen elsewhere
in the building. But common sense says that an armed teacher will get to the
disturbance before the police do.

I do think before I type, Einstein. I also think you're incompetent.
You've spun so many tales of your various "professions" over the years that no one takes anything you say seriously anymore. That being said, if you believe that teachers don't need to be armed, then you have nothing to complain about here and should be in total agreement with the OP video.
Well, I am a retired teacher and "various professions"...;)
I never felt as though I needed to be armed when I was teaching, but I don't have a problem if that's what the system and staff decides...I would never have believed we'd have operational guns in the house, but the world has changed...I don't believe it hurts to be prepared and be able to defend yourself and others...
At home, at school, or just out and about...
If you have any more questions about my career, I'm happy to answer them. Loved teaching...would do it all over again...but I do hope to much needed changes in our takes a dedicated village though...we need to get those back...
If someone told me I had to do my job AND BE READY TO KILL ANOTHER PERSON IN A FLASH, I think I'd find it distracting. It's probably why I didn't go into the military. I can't be sanguine about having the option of killing someone if I had to. I would think it massively distracting.

So you would rather get shot by a wacko. Gotit. Guess you hold your own life of little value, then.
^^^^QUOTED FOR TRUTH. This is 100% a real issue.
Not an issue.
It's also part of the overall problem in America.
Not a problem.
We have so many guns in circulation that just statistically we have more bad actors being able to get guns than if there was some sort of limitation on guns in our society.
Unconstitutional, and it won't work.
Instead we think the answer is always MORE GUNS.
The best answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Since you fear bad guys with guns so much, carry a gun and protect yourself

What am I saying? You have already stated you value your own life so little. You probably value anyone else's life so little as well. Your hoplophobia won't save you.
Like putting more gasoline on the fire to put it out.
Cliche fallacy, and you CAN put out a gasoline fire with more gasoline.
So long as a bunch of christo-fascist/maga/alt-right yahoos determine what is appropriate, ehh bunky?

Buzzword fallacies.

Christians aren't fascists. DEMOCRATS are though.
MAGA isn't a person.
There is no such thing as an 'alt-right'.
Yahoo is not a person.

A State is perfectly within it's rights to determine 'what is appropriate' material in schools.

Nothing prevents you from buying such deviant material yourself.

You cannot defend sexual deviancy.
The same people who are terrified of teachers bringing books to school are all for teachers bringing guns to school.
This is leftist dishonesty at play. Conservatives want armed security at our children's schools. Leftists, pretending to speak for conservatives and intent on derailing all conversations on the matter, distort the topic and claim that conservatives want teachers to carry guns.

Totally dishonest.

Conservatives want armed security, whether that is a sheriff's deputy, a rent-a-guard, whoever. Said armed security person will protect students and teachers.
You've spun so many tales of your various "professions" over the years that no one takes anything you say seriously anymore. That being said, if you believe that teachers don't need to be armed, then you have nothing to complain about here and should be in total agreement with the OP video.

False dichotomy fallacy. Your hoplophobia won't save you.
I keep him on permanent "ignore". He knows this because the system notifies anyone when they are ignored or blocked. But like all the maga mooks/trolls, he dogs my posts & threads like a bitch in heat seeking attention ... hoping someone will respond to him. Sad.


Censorship doesn't work, Sock. MAGA isn't a person. Your own paranoia is YOUR problem. The Kiddie Pool won't save you.