Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by archives View Post
Ah, no, quite the contrary:
“Teacher shortages continue to plague US: 86% of public schools struggle to hire educators,” (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...g/71208579007/)
In fact, some States are beginning to cut teacher education requirements just to fill the classrooms, and who blames them, teaching in America sucks right now and probably isn’t going to get any better
Exactly...teachers who Want to teach will...So let them know you'll support them and let them teach...That's what's missing... Darn right there's a shortage...very sad...
Again, you dodge the point and much information. As it was stated earlier, teaching today demands more of the teachers than just teaching ... and it can get expensive depending upon the subject and what costs comes out-of-pocket for them.
Stressed out, burned out and dropping out: Why teachers are leaving the classroom
Many teachers are not paid very well. They have to moonlight. They have to have a second or a third job. And now they're asked to buy equipment and resources from their own pocket in order to do that job. That doesn't really incentivize teachers to stay. https://phys.org/news/2022-09-stressed-teachers-classroom.html