I accept reality and truth. Unfortunately it often sucks.
No. Your gun grabbing idiocy deserves to be taken out and throttled.
Your ignorance is palpable. You should be napalmed simply for your response.
MY ignorance?
your ignorance is what needs to be napalmed. You and your ilk of socialist nanny state 'save us' fuckwads have no idea how to do things logically.
No you don't. You believe things are unalterably set in motion toward one common end. That's just as absurd of some of the religions you so love to critique.
I realize overall patterns of change better than you do apparently. Change is inevitable, we can just control it's directions a bit.
I have seen far more changes in my life than you have I think.
I saw the path we would go down when I realized we would invade Iraq.
I saw the path we were taking whth the deregulation of the banking industry. I just could not tell how long it would take.
I saw how it would turn out when people started thinking of their homes as a loan source, instead of as a home.
I saw the path that those who supported the war would take when it turned a bit sour. Blame it on the others.
I saw the path for the Republican party when they re-elected Bush.
I see the path globilazation leads the USA down.
I napalmed you. You are now a mere crisp. I only have to get a broom and sweep. up your ashes and push them to the side.
But it's all malleable and changeable. There is no fate. Didn't you see T2?
Changeable yes, but how changeable depends on how far down the path we are.
all that alternate reality and time travel theory makes my head hurt to think about.
There is no end to the path, so your framing of mutability as a function of distance from the endpoint ceases to be meaningful.
There is no end to the path, but ends to segments of the path.
Nothing in the path lasts forever.
Did the cival war last forever, the great depression, WW2, The Iraq war, Mullet hair cuts, etc...
Umm perhaps segments was not a good choice of words, but paralell consecutive and concurrent events.
the events are interconected and interdependent. Once one event reaches critical mass shall we say the results will happen. And will effect other events.
Once a certain point is reached in an event it the resultant actions are pretty much inevitable. Take the current economy for instance, At this point in this event can we avoid a recession ?