Gun prices going down

You dumb people don't have ANYTHING in common with old David's mental diarrhea. And if you can prove such with regards to me...then just link the post...because your opinion isn't worth a damn.

Bottom line: you don't have a damned thing of worth regarding the gunners getting suckered into a buying frenzy.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You dumb people don't have ANYTHING in common with old David's mental diarrhea. And if you can prove such with regards to me...then just link the post...because your opinion isn't worth a damn.

Bottom line: you don't have a damned thing of worth regarding the gunners getting suckered into a buying frenzy.


I said David Duke, you dumb fuck. Is this clown saying anything of that nature? Are you saying David Duke and the McCain campaign are simpatico?:palm:

Like all little mental sheet wearers, you think getting a black face to mouth your platitudes justifies your BS. Major Fail on your part, as they say.You think getting some B-grade actor trying to affect a street accent while humping for the neocon GOP and fringe christian right mantras is going to impress anyone? Puh-leeze....this asshole along with his white counter parts LOST a fair and square in the 2008 elections. People saw past the buzz words and mantras to the bullshit....just like I factually and logically deconstructed the vary same blatherings YOU posted on these boards. The majority of America wasn't buying your bullshit anymore. Grow up and deal with it.

You've got NOTHING!
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Just another point as to how the gunners were suckered:

conveniently, the media, article, and the lying democrats quoted in the article completely ignore all of their campaign efforts where they flat out told their constituents that they would enact tougher gun control laws.

bunch of lying fuckers is what they are.

Actually, the only lying here is done by you...because NOTHING was ignored during the 2008 campaign....which is why YOUR SIDE LOST. The neocon GOP took Obama to task for his proposed gun policies. They tried to LIE about what he said...and they were taken to task for it. But stubborn little cusses that they are, the neocons continued their fear mongering...which led to folks of your mindset to put mucho dinero into the pockets of the gun manufacturing industry. Unfortunately, to date what they feared has NOT come to pass as predicted.

The article I put forth tells the FACTS, NOT the speculation, supposition and conjecture clowns like you try to pass off as the truth. Obviously, YOU cannot fault the article, so you blow neocon smoke as usual. Major fail on your part, as they say.
You dumb fuck (note how this unimaginative clown mimics others), that's my point. So why do they vote Democrat?

Because like I've schooled you on the facts several times before....the Democratic Party by 1968 was changing for the better...with only a core of bitter Dixiecrats still holding onto the old segregationist/pro-slavery ways. The GOP, on the other hand, had began adopting a State's rights first and only policy, which meant that Jim Crow would be alive today in many states if they had their way.

Deal with it, or don't. History doesn't give a damn about stubborn fools like you.

You've got NOTHING about the gunners getting suckered.:)
HR 1022.

Until you acknowledge that, you have failed in your claim.

I already acknowledged should read more carefully. I'll break it down for you.....there is no proof that the vast majority of gunners screaming bloody murder about Obama DON'T OWN THE WEAPONS THAT THE PROPOSED HR 1022 BILL WOULD EFFECT SHOULD IT BECOME LAW .

Now, if that bill were to become law, it does NOT mean that the gov't could suddenly declare any and all weapons illegal for civilian use...nor could it ban state militia members from owning weapons. So hunting rifles, shot guns (single and pump action), semi-auto hunting rifles, and a plethora of hand guns would be avaiable to all according to individual state law. Nor would it mean that those who own such weapons before a new enactment would have them taken away for compensation.

And the bill as it stands had NOT been through the process, where various state reps would tweak it to suit state rights.

Now this bill has been floating around since 2007....and I DID NOT READ OR HEAR OF OBAMA SAYING HE WAS GOING TO PUSH FOR THIS BILL. To date, he hasn't. So the boogie man the NRA used to get you suckers to line their pockets worked.

You've been with it.
I said David Duke, you dumb fuck. Is this clown saying anything of that nature? Are you saying David Duke and the McCain campaign are simpatico?:palm:

Like all little mental sheet wearers, you think getting a black face to mouth your platitudes justifies your BS. Major Fail on your part, as they say.You think getting some B-grade actor trying to affect a street accent while humping for the neocon GOP and fringe christian right mantras is going to impress anyone? Puh-leeze....this asshole along with his white counter parts LOST a fair and square in the 2008 elections. People saw past the buzz words and mantras to the bullshit....just like I factually and logically deconstructed the vary same blatherings YOU posted on these boards. The majority of America wasn't buying your bullshit anymore. Grow up and deal with it.

You've got NOTHING!

So he's an "oreo"?
Because like I've schooled you on the facts several times before....the Democratic Party by 1968 was changing for the better...with only a core of bitter Dixiecrats still holding onto the old segregationist/pro-slavery ways. The GOP, on the other hand, had began adopting a State's rights first and only policy, which meant that Jim Crow would be alive today in many states if they had their way.

Deal with it, or don't. History doesn't give a damn about stubborn fools like you.

You've got NOTHING about the gunners getting suckered.:)

I understand that's what you've been taught by the Democrat controlled teacher's union, but the fact remains that David Duke was a Democrat until well past 1968, and received a substantial number of votes from Democrats until his attempt to embarrass the GOP. It seems that he couldn't garner nearly the support from the GOP as he did from the Democrat Party.

So again, why do blacks vote Democrat?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Because like I've schooled you on the facts several times before....the Democratic Party by 1968 was changing for the better...with only a core of bitter Dixiecrats still holding onto the old segregationist/pro-slavery ways. The GOP, on the other hand, had began adopting a State's rights first and only policy, which meant that Jim Crow would be alive today in many states if they had their way.

Deal with it, or don't. History doesn't give a damn about stubborn fools like you.

You've got NOTHING about the gunners getting suckered.

I understand that's what you've been taught by the Democrat controlled teacher's union, but the fact remains that David Duke was a Democrat until well past 1968, and received a substantial number of votes from Democrats until his attempt to embarrass the GOP. It seems that he couldn't garner nearly the support from the GOP as he did from the Democrat Party.

David Duke was in Dixiecrat central, Louisiana, could have cared less about the party....if they didn't give him what he wanted he jumped ship. Case in point, he frequently ran and failed for various offices under the local Dem party, so he became a Populist. When that didn't get him anywhere, he became the LA State Rep as a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN. Gee, another bit of history your dumb ass either missed or purposely overlooked. No wonder you have no trouble voicing a similar mindset on some have the same revisionist attitude toward history as he does. ;)

So again, why do blacks vote Democrat?

So again, it's been explained to your dumb ass just don't like the answers or that the historical facts back me up because you can't logically or factually disprove or refute the answers and the sourced facts to back them you do your usual merry-go-round of convoluted logic and insipid stubborness.

You've got NOTHING regarding my statements on gun prices going down...and trying to dodge that fact has led you to another dismal failure.

You're so fucking dumb, swear you're not a bigot or racist, yet you keep introducing race into a thread that has NOTHING to do with that subject, as the posts show here. Once again, you're your own undoing.:palm:

Carry on.
So again, it's been explained to your dumb ass just don't like the answers or that the historical facts back me up because you can't logically or factually disprove or refute the answers and the sourced facts to back them you do your usual merry-go-round of convoluted logic and insipid stubborness.

You've got NOTHING regarding my statements on gun prices going down...and trying to dodge that fact has led you to another dismal failure.

You're so fucking dumb, swear you're not a bigot or racist, yet you keep introducing race into a thread that has NOTHING to do with that subject, as the posts show here. Once again, you're your own undoing.:palm:

Carry on.

Duke won that seat with a narrow majority and his opponent was endorsed by both George HW Bush and Reagan. He only managed to keep the seat for two years. He got no support at all from the GOP and Democrat voters supported him far more than Republican voters.
Duke won that seat with a narrow majority and his opponent was endorsed by both George HW Bush and Reagan. He only managed to keep the seat for two years. He got no support at all from the GOP and Democrat voters supported him far more than Republican voters.

Not only are you fucking stupid, but you're a liar as well. You can't even be honest about the chronology of history.

David Duke was in Dixiecrat central, Louisiana, could have cared less about the party....if they didn't give him what he wanted he jumped ship. Case in point, he frequently ran and failed for various offices under the local Dem party, so he became a Populist. When that didn't get him anywhere, he became the LA State Rep as a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN. Gee, another bit of history your dumb ass either missed or purposely overlooked. No wonder you have no trouble voicing a similar mindset on some have the same revisionist attitude toward history as he does.

Whether you like it or not, the GOP got Duke elected....NOT the Dems or the Populist. A matter of fact, a matter of history. TFB for you if you can't Deal with it.

And again, this has nothing to do with gun prices going down, or your inability to fault my comments on that subject.

Major FAIL on your part, as they say. No point in kicking your ass any further, as repetition and lying is all you have to offer. Let me know when you're ready to discuss the original topic of this thread. Adios for now.
Not only are you fucking stupid, but you're a liar as well. You can't even be honest about the chronology of history.

What did I supposedly lie about? Duke was a Democrat for years, and again, when he switched parties he won a state seat with a narrow margin and endorsements of his opponent by Reagan and Bush 41. Then he got voted out two years later. He was never accepted by the GOP and got much more support when he was a Democrat.

Your obviously upset about something Libby, and I suspect it is because your attempt to equate The Southern Man with David Duke failed miserably.