Guns doing good



Alligator tail can be prepared in a number of ways. You could look it up on the Internet if you aren't too busy failing to be funny.

Alligator is available many places in my area, but I don't care for it. Blame that joke on Tina Fey.
All ya gotta do is claim to be afraid, then you can murder.

Is that so?

Give it a try tonight. If you're still able to post in the morning and furnish proof of your deed and subsequent release without charge I'll concede that you were correct.
Alligator is available many places in my area, but I don't care for it. Blame that joke on Tina Fey.

I maintained refrigeration for a franchise chain called "RJ Gator's" for a while and their meat refrigerator was the most rancid and disgusting fridge I have ever seen. gator meat is unfit for human consumption. gators should be killed whenever they invade the living environments of people. I would probably use a 12 ga. slug gun.