Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
The discussion, however, is mostly about banning large magazine para-military weapons commonly referred to, correctly or incorrectly, as "assault rifles."
Only the most gun-paranoid extremists even discuss a total abolition of civilian firearms ownership.
One doesn't need fifteen rounds to hunt or defend one's home,
but they come in real handy if you want to shoot up a school, shopping mall, or concert.
Insisting that one is entitled to own such a weapon is really digging in as a libertarian,
but at the same time, not making oneself part of the discussion
about reasonable legislation. That makes unreasonable legislation more likely.
That's not true.
"They found three out of the total six people who conducted the invasion that night."
How many bullets do you need to shoot up 6 home invaders? That's how many everyone should have.