Guns, Guns and more guns.

The discussion, however, is mostly about banning large magazine para-military weapons commonly referred to, correctly or incorrectly, as "assault rifles."

Only the most gun-paranoid extremists even discuss a total abolition of civilian firearms ownership.

One doesn't need fifteen rounds to hunt or defend one's home,
but they come in real handy if you want to shoot up a school, shopping mall, or concert.

Insisting that one is entitled to own such a weapon is really digging in as a libertarian,
but at the same time, not making oneself part of the discussion
about reasonable legislation. That makes unreasonable legislation more likely.

That's not true.

"They found three out of the total six people who conducted the invasion that night."

How many bullets do you need to shoot up 6 home invaders? That's how many everyone should have.
The 2nd amendment. Militia, being,Arms, shall not be infringed.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. Is the first part of the amendment. The part that follows is subordinate. When a well-regulated militia is not necessary, then the guns are not. We now have a huge standing army. A militia is not needed and neither are guns in the people's hands.
When it was written, we had no standing army. We had citizen soldiers. Washington disbanded his well-trained army. That made us vulnerable to European nations who had a history of taking over other nations for resources. It is on purpose that the gun lovers repeat the 2nd part because when seen as a whole, their argument fails.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

That is simply an explanation of what the 2nd says. In no way is it a fallacy and in no way does it discard the constitution. Repetition? Are you daft?
That is simply an explanation of what the 2nd says. In no way is it a fallacy and in no way does it discard the constitution. Repetition? Are you daft?

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

Yep, a parrot is the right bird to represent you. You just keep repeating crap. I actually gave you an explanation of why your interpretation is wrong. If someone else is there, have them explain it to you. The NRA made up that ridiculous concept about the 2nd that you ascribe to. It does not comport to what the 2nd says. I try to help you far rights, but the indoctrinations have taken hold.
Yep, a parrot is the right bird to represent you. You just keep repeating crap. I actually gave you an explanation of why your interpretation is wrong. If someone else is there, have them explain it to you. The NRA made up that ridiculous concept about the 2nd that you ascribe to. It does not comport to what the 2nd says. I try to help you far rights, but the indoctrinations have taken hold.

LIF. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Inversion fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
LIF. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Inversion fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

And you do it again. In fact, I explained what the 2nd says and what is important about it, negating you right wingers merely speaking of the last part of it as if it stands alone. However, it is predicted on the first part. If there is no need for a militia then the people do not need guns. We have a huge standing army and do not rely on the citizens to save America from attacks.
The Constitution is above the states. Are you saying you do not even know that much?
You are a waste of time.
And you do it again.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.
In fact, I explained what the 2nd says and what is important about it, negating you right wingers merely speaking of the last part of it as if it stands alone.
However, it is predicted on the first part. If there is no need for a militia then the people do not need guns.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
We have a huge standing army and do not rely on the citizens to save America from attacks.
No standing army. The army must be re-authorized by Congress each year. America DOES rely on the citizens to save America from attacks.
The Constitution is above the states.
WRONG. The States created the Constitution. They own it. They are the only ones that can change it. They are the only ones that can destroy it (and thus dissolve the federal government).
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Discard of the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

No standing army. The army must be re-authorized by Congress each year. America DOES rely on the citizens to save America from attacks.

WRONG. The States created the Constitution. They own it. They are the only ones that can change it. They are the only ones that can destroy it (and thus dissolve the federal government).

We have a huge standing army. I wonder how crazy you are.

No standing army. The US Army is not a standing army. It must be reauthorized every year.
Each State still has the right to organize a militia, just as they have always had that right. Washington's militia currently has about 75 members, since it is not on active status.

Discard of the Constitution of the United States.
No standing army. The US Army is not a standing army. It must be reauthorized every year.
Each State still has the right to organize a militia, just as they have always had that right. Washington's militia currently has about 75 members, since it is not on active status.

Discard of the Constitution of the United States.

Damn your ignorance has no bottom. Yes, we have had a standing army since 1793.