Into the Night
Verified User
So you didn't watch the video? OK.
Some day you'll watch it .
Pravda is lying to you.
So you didn't watch the video? OK.
Some day you'll watch it .
Better than you lying to me.
There was a paramedic on the scene, she wanted to give aid to Floyd and was denied. She testified in the case.They did.
Political prisoner. One of many.
There was a paramedic on the scene, she wanted to give aid to Floyd and was denied. She testified in the case.
"It was just alarming, the amount of people that were on top of one person not moving and handcuffed," said Hansen, who said she is a trained emergency medical technician. She acknowledged that she got louder and began swearing because Floyd "needed help and he wasn't getting it."
There was a paramedic on the scene, she wanted to give aid to Floyd and was denied. She testified in the case.
"It was just alarming, the amount of people that were on top of one person not moving and handcuffed," said Hansen, who said she is a trained emergency medical technician. She acknowledged that she got louder and began swearing because Floyd "needed help and he wasn't getting it."
Lemme guess what you're going to do about it: abso-fucking-lutely nuthin'.![]()
Agreed. Sybil is irrational and, therefore, is very unlikely to accept rational responses.
^^^You call for civil war is again noted.
^^^So you think Sybil is irrational. That means YOU are irrational since Sybil only exists in your head.
So you didn't watch the video? OK.
Some day you'll watch it .
I did watch it, the minute he started to resist, it became his problem, no one else. Are you really that fucking stupid? If an officer tells you to stop moving and you fail to comply, that is on you
Wouldn't worry about it if I were you:
1. If you are a dude you can't get pregnant so you don't have a say in the lives of those who can.
2. If you are a woman you aren't forced to get an abortion so you're safe!
Now the harder part for dictator-wannabes like yourself is letting go of your religious feelings which tell you YOUR faith is what EVERYONE must abide by.
Do try!
Grow up then.I use straws to spit wads in your eyes.
Well, according to the alt-lefties Men can get pregnant. Get woke!!!
Conservatives are devolved mutants whether they have guns or not.
With them, guns only exacerbate the problem.
I'm a hard-left progressive liberal who owns several guns, not that I think about them much anymore.
They're worth a few bucks, so the kids can sell them when I die.
I see you as a harbinger of a much worse society.