Gutfeld NAILS it

We know this article is BULLSHIT from the first paragraph. Why don't you source a credible article instead of this boorish TDS laced stuidity?

Donald Trump's presidential campaign has engaged in a disturbing courtship with the racist white nationalist movement that is unprecedented in recent American political history. That effort has taken on new life with Trump's hiring of Breitbart News chief Stephen Bannon.

and this bullshit:

Donald Trump has done more than any political figure in the United States to propagate the beliefs and court the support of the white supremacist “alt-right” movement, whose adherents held a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, where a white supremacist named James Fields Jr. killed a nonviolent protester named Heather Heyer with his car. Here’s an attempt at a comprehensive list of the ways Trump has promoted and benefited from the movement.
We know this article is BULLSHIT from the first paragraph. Why don't you source a credible article instead of this boorish TDS laced stuidity?

Donald Trump's presidential campaign has engaged in a disturbing courtship with the racist white nationalist movement that is unprecedented in recent American political history. That effort has taken on new life with Trump's hiring of Breitbart News chief Stephen Bannon.

and this bullshit:

Donald Trump has done more than any political figure in the United States to propagate the beliefs and court the support of the white supremacist “alt-right” movement, whose adherents held a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, where a white supremacist named James Fields Jr. killed a nonviolent protester named Heather Heyer with his car. Here’s an attempt at a comprehensive list of the ways Trump has promoted and benefited from the movement.

Oh dear Lord, they're still pushing the "good people on both sides" meme. It's truly astonishing, and of course, pathetic.
Greg Gutfeld is a Trump spin doctor, so his credibility is questionable.

You just regurgitate issued talking points and soundbites, never any substance. You have no idea what you're talking about. How about a couple of your best examples of this spin, and evidence to back it up? Of course you'll slink away like the uninformed, juvenile coward that you are. Buh bye.

You just regurgitate issued talking points and soundbites, never any substance. You have no idea what you're talking about. How about a couple of your best examples of this spin, and evidence to back it up? Of course you'll slink away like the uninformed, juvenile coward that you are. Buh bye.


Why are you getting upset????
Ah, the ole "Faux Gnus" fallback position. Very popular with libs when they can't refute facts. How very.....typical, and unoriginal.

Ah, the old CNN or MSNBC fallback position by the far right when they can't refute fact. America is fully aware of the Trump right as a danger to American values.