What does that have to do with what Gutfeld said? Besides nothing. Just because some douchebag claims something, doesn't make it true. If that were the case, you would even be right once in a while. Do you think Mr. Daily Stormer would like Trump lifting the moratorium on federal executions so a white supremecist could be executed? Do you think he would appreciate Trump's efforts at prison reform? You and your ilk are always claiming blacks are incarcerated at higher rates due to institutional racism. You can't have it both ways. Is the lowest black and hispanic unemployment in history also a white nationalist position? How about major support for Israel, and even moving our embassy to Jerusalem? Is that celebrated by white nationalists? You fucking idiots have nothing, which is why you feel the need to make shit up. So some white nationalist scumbag wrongly perceives a Trump policy as "white nationalism". Who gives a fuck? Antifa commits an act of terrorism, does that mean all libs support terrorism? Of course, not a single Democrat has condemned Antifa for their terrorist attack, so a strong case could be made. Will you condemn Antifa for their terrorist act? When did you stop beating your boyfriend?