Gutfeld NAILS it

Greg Gutfeld is a Trump spin doctor, so his credibility is questionable.

Could be, but I don't see anything inaccurate with his tweet. What do you see that is inaccurate with his tweet?
Oh yeah, it doesn't matter. When you have no argument you attack the source.
The DoJ under Barr is resuming capital punishment (what a surprise), and one of those scheduled for the chop happens to be a white supremacist.

So what? Does anyone expect Trump to pardon this guy? It's evidence of eff all.

And Trump "called out" Rep Cummings, not Baltimore. It's part of a cunning plan, see, along with his attacks on The Squad. Amazing what this stable genius thinks up, ain't it.
You just can not make a silk purse, out of a sow's ear, meaning Trump is Trump and nothing is going to change that.

Then why are you not able to explain what you mean? You just throw shit out there with no explanation? You are the classic low information voter. Assuming you are even old enough to vote.
That was done earlier today: look it up.

Your fringe on the right will be called out every time you act out.

Lol, you seriously expect me to pore through hundreds of posts to prove YOUR claim? Not how it works dipshit. I accept your surrender. As usual, you've got nothing.
Ah, the old CNN or MSNBC fallback position by the far right when they can't refute fact. America is fully aware of the Trump right as a danger to American values.

Ironic coming from a low IQ loony who never gets anything right and lampoons Fox News. STFU you dimwitted wonder dunce and hypocrite. You wouldn't know a FACT if it walked up and introduced itself to you.
OK, try this.
"This is the kind of WHITE NATIONALISM we elected him for ... This is what elected Trump and this is what will always be the best way for him to gain support" - Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer.
But what does he know?

Apparently not much of anything. How ironic that you take the side of a white Supremacists and quote them now. But using this lame tactic doesn't make you look any less stupid.
The DoJ under Barr is resuming capital punishment (what a surprise), and one of those scheduled for the chop happens to be a white supremacist.
So what? Does anyone expect Trump to pardon this guy? It's evidence of eff all.
And Trump "called out" Rep Cummings, not Baltimore. It's part of a cunning plan, see, along with his attacks on The Squad. Amazing what this stable genius thinks up, ain't it.

Then why are you not able to explain what you mean? You just throw shit out there with no explanation? You are the classic low information voter. Assuming you are even old enough to vote.

If I've got to spell it out for you, Trump is a racist, and there nothing that you can say or do that will change that. Trump is what he is.
OK, try this.

"This is the kind of WHITE NATIONALISM we elected him for ... This is what elected Trump and this is what will always be the best way for him to gain support" - Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer.

But what does he know?

What does that have to do with what Gutfeld said? Besides nothing. Just because some douchebag claims something, doesn't make it true. If that were the case, you would even be right once in a while. Do you think Mr. Daily Stormer would like Trump lifting the moratorium on federal executions so a white supremecist could be executed? Do you think he would appreciate Trump's efforts at prison reform? You and your ilk are always claiming blacks are incarcerated at higher rates due to institutional racism. You can't have it both ways. Is the lowest black and hispanic unemployment in history also a white nationalist position? How about major support for Israel, and even moving our embassy to Jerusalem? Is that celebrated by white nationalists? You fucking idiots have nothing, which is why you feel the need to make shit up. So some white nationalist scumbag wrongly perceives a Trump policy as "white nationalism". Who gives a fuck? Antifa commits an act of terrorism, does that mean all libs support terrorism? Of course, not a single Democrat has condemned Antifa for their terrorist attack, so a strong case could be made. Will you condemn Antifa for their terrorist act? When did you stop beating your boyfriend?
What does that have to do with what Gutfeld said? Besides nothing. Just because some douchebag claims something, doesn't make it true. If that were the case, you would even be right once in a while. Do you think Mr. Daily Stormer would like Trump lifting the moratorium on federal executions so a white supremecist could be executed? Do you think he would appreciate Trump's efforts at prison reform? You and your ilk are always claiming blacks are incarcerated at higher rates due to institutional racism. You can't have it both ways. Is the lowest black and hispanic unemployment in history also a white nationalist position? How about major support for Israel, and even moving our embassy to Jerusalem? Is that celebrated by white nationalists? You fucking idiots have nothing, which is why you feel the need to make shit up. So some white nationalist scumbag wrongly perceives a Trump policy as "white nationalism". Who gives a fuck? Antifa commits an act of terrorism, does that mean all libs support terrorism? Of course, not a single Democrat has condemned Antifa for their terrorist attack, so a strong case could be made. Will you condemn Antifa for their terrorist act? When did you stop beating your boyfriend?

"Just because some douchebag claims something, doesn't make it true"
Doesn't that apply to Gutfeld, also.
How long since a US President used racist attacks as part of his re-election strategy? Well, this disgusting toad is reviving it. It got him a 5% boost from his base first time. Expect more dog whistles.

[What I have to say about Gutfeld's weak attempt at deflection is in post #26]