Guys and Girls

This is from the same guy that posted the pathetic blonde and two coats joke!! :palm:

you thought it was funny, but you can't admit it because you're jealous if anyone else tells a joke. you think your jokes are funny when only 5% are. you don't have a monopoly on joke threads. and really, you're the last person on earth to talk about posting bad jokes.
i claimed to be a follower of socrates? you're on drugs....i never claimed that...

Damocles claimed that on your behalf.

Originally Posted by Damocles
Yurt likes using the Socratic method of debate, often changing direction with his questions. I usually get him to snap out of it by asking why he is being deliberately ignorant...
you thought it was funny, but you can't admit it because you're jealous if anyone else tells a joke. you think your jokes are funny when only 5% are. you don't have a monopoly on joke threads. and really, you're the last person on earth to talk about posting bad jokes.

When did I say it was funny?
Damocles claimed that on your behalf.

you said i claimed it. and now you're admitting i did not. so your post was less than truthful.

using a certain debate tactic does not make one a "follower" obviously have no higher education, else you would know that. some post grad degrees use the socratic method. you would have us all believe that everyone who is taught and then later at times uses the socratic method is a follower of socrates.

You are probably the most anal character I've ever encountered on here. Apparently you have the gift of telepathy as well.

apparently you believe that people who understand english are anal. weird.

me claiming you "thought" something, is not me claiming you "said" something. how many times did you flunk english tom?
No you didn't.

Guys, this is the internet age. You are not going to get away with pretending to have come up with a witty quote you read off the internet yourself.
No you didn't.

Guys, this is the internet age. You are not going to get away with pretending to have come up with a witty quote you read off the internet yourself.

[sarcasm] Well I had assumed that you were bright and sharp enough to realise that, I shall have to remember to semaphore it well in advance next time. [/sarcasm] I am assuming that you are talking to me?
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