Guys , your days are numbered

There is no pill that can actually just make someone horny. Viagra gets it up and usually whenever a man starts having sex after he just gets turned on anyway. To design something that would just make a women immediately horny would be extremely difficult.
There is no pill that can actually just make someone horny. Viagra gets it up and usually whenever a man starts having sex after he just gets turned on anyway. To design something that would just make a women immediately horny would be extremely difficult.

Yeah there is. It's called Ecstasy and it is great.
Yeah there is. It's called Ecstasy and it is great.

Ecstasy should totally be legal. Honestly, the movement behind the demonization of Ecstasy is like a new pot scare.

But I've read that it's nearly impossible to get an erection whenever you're taking it, even if you're really horny. I've heard of people taking it with viagra but I've also heard that's dangerous. I can't really trust any of the sources I've gotten this from, though, because they're all government ones.
Ecstasy should totally be legal. Honestly, the movement behind the demonization of Ecstasy is like a new pot scare.

But I've read that it's nearly impossible to get an erection whenever you're taking it, even if you're really horny. I've heard of people taking it with viagra but I've also heard that's dangerous. I can't really trust any of the sources I've gotten this from, though, because they're all government ones.

Yeah it's hard to get it up, but once you're there it's heaven. Seriously.

The only threesome of my life (so far) happened at an ecstasy party.

Some of my friends have taken it to another level though. They had sex on X so much that they tell me they cannot get off unless they are rolling (on X).

I've only fucked on X probably a handful of times, so I never faced anything like that. I'm not aware of anyone who has tried Viagra with it. It's hard to get it up rolling, but it's possible.

It was big when I was in highschool, and I did a lot then but after a bad experience I haven't touched the shit in three years. I honestly don't know if I think it should be legal.
Don't do crack. It turns you into an animal.

Crack is like your first time on cocaine, but every time.

If you touch it just once you have just fucked your life permanently. You will never be satified again without the feeling you get.
Don't do crack. It turns you into an animal.

Crack is like your first time on cocaine, but every time.

If you touch it just once you have just fucked your life permanently. You will never be satified again without the feeling you get.

Don't knock it until you try it.
Yeah it's hard to get it up, but once you're there it's heaven. Seriously.

The only threesome of my life (so far) happened at an ecstasy party.

Some of my friends have taken it to another level though. They had sex on X so much that they tell me they cannot get off unless they are rolling (on X).

I've only fucked on X probably a handful of times, so I never faced anything like that. I'm not aware of anyone who has tried Viagra with it. It's hard to get it up rolling, but it's possible.

It was big when I was in highschool, and I did a lot then but after a bad experience I haven't touched the shit in three years. I honestly don't know if I think it should be legal.

Yeah, it's a really bad idea to take too much of it. But it's the same way with Tylenol. If you take a normal dose of it, it doesn't do harm.

If you look at it from a harm reduction viewpoint, ensuring a clean supply of ecstacy would make sure that people would never die because of Meth and PMA adulterants that are always added to the illegal supply and are a lot more dangerous than pure MDMA.
Yeah, it's a really bad idea to take too much of it. But it's the same way with Tylenol. If you take a normal dose of it, it doesn't do harm.

If you look at it from a harm reduction viewpoint, ensuring a clean supply of ecstacy would make sure that people would never die because of Meth and PMA adulterants that are always added to the illegal supply and are a lot more dangerous than pure MDMA.

Very true, particularly with ecstasy I agree.

"Molly" or pure MDMA, is getting more and more popular for that very reason, but Molly can be tampered with just as easily. I totally see your point, I just had a friend who got permanent brain damage from the stuff so I'm a little wary of it. She forgot to drink her water to cool her down despite my telling her like 12 different times.

The world would be so much better if everyone would just shut the fuck up and listen to me. :dunno:
Very true, particularly with ecstasy I agree.

"Molly" or pure MDMA, is getting more and more popular for that very reason, but Molly can be tampered with just as easily. I totally see your point, I just had a friend who got permanent brain damage from the stuff so I'm a little wary of it. She forgot to drink her water to cool her down despite my telling her like 12 different times.

The world would be so much better if everyone would just shut the fuck up and listen to me. :dunno:

Like any amphetamine, MDMA can cause brain damage if you take a bunch of it. I doubt the water had anything to do with it.
So this new gadget just gets the woman on the verge of orgasm?

It was probably invented by a man, as Damo said. For some guys foreplay is "Hey baby, how about tonight?"