Gym-bra clad girls eat world's HOTTEST chilli…and it goes VERY wrong

Hugh logistical fail on your part Zippytard. With your self-described high IQ you don't see it? Obviously that was a lie too.

Tightie Rightie caught lying once again... naturally here comes the first of his endless diversions.

ANYTHING so he won't have to admit he got his ass handed to him yet again.
???....actually yes.....but you were too fucking stupid to remember it was what YOU said...I simply asked you for proof......

Except I didn't say it...Y-O-U did.

FIRST you claimed Christians don't burn, rape, behead and murder others.

THEN you claimed Christians don't burn, rape, behead and murder others FOR THEIR BELIEFS.

But hey, what's one more PMP lie added to your endless stream of lies.