Hackers Archived all Parler Data

When you lay shit exposed on the sidewalk people can take pictures of that shit

It’s not illegal

They didn’t protect their shit

They left it laying out on the sidewalk
Translation: All I can do is bitch and whine about you.

LOL. Dumbass, everyone on this forum knew it. Even Witold.

you claimed you came and saw me, then punked out..... I'm right here coward. tell me another story about how you avoid real world conflict....

if it wasn't for the internet. you wouldn't be able to run your mouth.
When you lay shit exposed on the sidewalk people can take pictures of that shit

It’s not illegal

They didn’t protect their shit

They left it laying out on the sidewalk
Homeland Security has been watching these assholes for years. Talk is one thing, but crossing the line into threats and violence means it's time to round the assholes up.

The Evolution of Far-Right Extremism Online Post-2015 in the United States
Previous research has considered major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to be the most widely used social media platforms for violent extremism and violent extremist content in the United States. Other platforms such as Google+, Kik, LinkedIn, Myspace, Vimeo, and 8chan have also been considered as popular platforms for far-right content.[ii] However, research suggests that the popularity and accessibility of certain platforms has changed rapidly in recent years. The authors’ study revealed that social media platforms were not all equally utilized and therefore were categorized across a spectrum of popularity. The categories used to describe this spectrum of popularity were Highly Active, Moderately Active, Little/No Far Right Activity, and Offline (see table 1).

I doubt that, fruit of the poisoned tree to begin with, but chain of custody issues abound.

True, but thanks to Bush, Obama and Trump, there are caveats when fighting terrorism. Trump himself declared a national emergency due to terrorism and that opens a lot of doors. Yes, this includes retroactively examining posts on all platforms.

Again, I strongly believe JPP is safe, but a few here have made posts that would give probable cause to examine the authors of those posts.

God Bless America!