Had a really fucked up dream


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It wasn't even a "nightmare" but I must have killed 10 people in it.

Funny thing is, this was a repeat dream... I think I had this dream like 5-6 years ago. But this time I got the upperhand. The last time I dreamed this dream, I eventually got maimed, but this time I was ready for what was going to happen so I jumped the gun on all my dream characters.

So I was in this mansion or whatever being held captive. I don't know why but I was supposed to be killed, maimed by having my eyes taken out.

So the people that were trying to take my eyes out I got to first, I took a chisel/screwdriver thing and fucking jammed that shit into this one guys eyes and he fell down screaming.

Then later another person came in from like a patio and I had a hatchet which I lodged in their throat, cutting open a huge gash and almost decapitating them, but not completely. Basically picture someone with their whole throat removed. That guy got fucking rocked.

Then there was a partner of the eye stabber, who did not like that I got the upper hand, and he came to try and get me, but then I hit him in the head with a hammer and when he was down I took out my chisel and started chisling away at his solar plexis. The skin from his body came out as if it were wood pulp.

I remember a few times walking from different room to different room in the dream, surveying what I had done. I made note that in every room there were either multiple dead bodies, or basically just faces detached from their skulls strewn about the floor (I didn't dream specially getting these guys but I knew in the dream I did)

Throughout the dream I knew something was going to happen during a big dinner, I didn't want to stick around, it sounded ominious

Next thing I am riding out on a black horse away from this place and am being chased. I remember thinking to myself that I didn't have much experience with combat on horseback and I had about a 30% chance of dying if it came to blows. Someone came up to try and dismount me but I had a sword and I killed him too.

I woke up pretty soon after that and I was like "damn... that was a fucked up dream"
It wasn't even a "nightmare" but I must have killed 10 people in it.

Funny thing is, this was a repeat dream... I think I had this dream like 5-6 years ago. But this time I got the upperhand. The last time I dreamed this dream, I eventually got maimed, but this time I was ready for what was going to happen so I jumped the gun on all my dream characters.

So I was in this mansion or whatever being held captive. I don't know why but I was supposed to be killed, maimed by having my eyes taken out.

So the people that were trying to take my eyes out I got to first, I took a chisel/screwdriver thing and fucking jammed that shit into this one guys eyes and he fell down screaming.

Then later another person came in from like a patio and I had a hatchet which I lodged in their throat, cutting open a huge gash and almost decapitating them, but not completely. Basically picture someone with their whole throat removed. That guy got fucking rocked.

Then there was a partner of the eye stabber, who did not like that I got the upper hand, and he came to try and get me, but then I hit him in the head with a hammer and when he was down I took out my chisel and started chisling away at his solar plexis. The skin from his body came out as if it were wood pulp.

I remember a few times walking from different room to different room in the dream, surveying what I had done. I made note that in every room there were either multiple dead bodies, or basically just faces detached from their skulls strewn about the floor (I didn't dream specially getting these guys but I knew in the dream I did)

Throughout the dream I knew something was going to happen during a big dinner, I didn't want to stick around, it sounded ominious

Next thing I am riding out on a black horse away from this place and am being chased. I remember thinking to myself that I didn't have much experience with combat on horseback and I had about a 30% chance of dying if it came to blows. Someone came up to try and dismount me but I had a sword and I killed him too.

I woke up pretty soon after that and I was like "damn... that was a fucked up dream"

No children?
Vell, as Jung would tell you, you are conquering those in your dream who you can't in your real time.

Yah, who us trying to steal your vision?

Reacurring dreams are the psychic messengers.

Vell, as Jung would tell you, you are conquering those in your dream who you can't in your real time.

Yah, who us trying to steal your vision?

Reacurring dreams are the psychic messengers.

Frued would say he's coming out of the closet.
there are things in your life that you need to deal with.

It could be as simple as bills

It doesn't sound very simple to me.

Years ago, when I as on the patch (which gives you vivid dreams but i didn't know that), I had the most intense, real dream I've ever had. It was about an android. LOL But he was an awesome android, and we were in a big firefight, but then we were having sex. It was very very real. And I told my fiance about it, no big deal. But then later in the day I couldn't shake this dream, and I made the mistake of sighing and saying, I kind of miss my android lover. Everything real seemed less interesting after this dream.

Anyway, he actually got mad. So then I never mentioned my android lover again. Until today.
It wasn't even a "nightmare" but I must have killed 10 people in it.

Funny thing is, this was a repeat dream... I think I had this dream like 5-6 years ago. But this time I got the upperhand. The last time I dreamed this dream, I eventually got maimed, but this time I was ready for what was going to happen so I jumped the gun on all my dream characters.

So I was in this mansion or whatever being held captive. I don't know why but I was supposed to be killed, maimed by having my eyes taken out.

So the people that were trying to take my eyes out I got to first, I took a chisel/screwdriver thing and fucking jammed that shit into this one guys eyes and he fell down screaming.

Then later another person came in from like a patio and I had a hatchet which I lodged in their throat, cutting open a huge gash and almost decapitating them, but not completely. Basically picture someone with their whole throat removed. That guy got fucking rocked.

Then there was a partner of the eye stabber, who did not like that I got the upper hand, and he came to try and get me, but then I hit him in the head with a hammer and when he was down I took out my chisel and started chisling away at his solar plexis. The skin from his body came out as if it were wood pulp.

I remember a few times walking from different room to different room in the dream, surveying what I had done. I made note that in every room there were either multiple dead bodies, or basically just faces detached from their skulls strewn about the floor (I didn't dream specially getting these guys but I knew in the dream I did)

Throughout the dream I knew something was going to happen during a big dinner, I didn't want to stick around, it sounded ominious

Next thing I am riding out on a black horse away from this place and am being chased. I remember thinking to myself that I didn't have much experience with combat on horseback and I had about a 30% chance of dying if it came to blows. Someone came up to try and dismount me but I had a sword and I killed him too.

I woke up pretty soon after that and I was like "damn... that was a fucked up dream"

You had that dream too?


I thought I was the only one who had that dream.
It doesn't sound very simple to me.

Years ago, when I as on the patch (which gives you vivid dreams but i didn't know that), I had the most intense, real dream I've ever had. It was about an android. LOL But he was an awesome android, and we were in a big firefight, but then we were having sex. It was very very real. And I told my fiance about it, no big deal. But then later in the day I couldn't shake this dream, and I made the mistake of sighing and saying, I kind of miss my android lover. Everything real seemed less interesting after this dream.

Anyway, he actually got mad. So then I never mentioned my android lover again. Until today.
Do androids dream of electric sheep?