Haggard convinced he's 'completely hetero,'

Three weeks, that is a record...So how did they come to this conclusion?
Parade a bunch fo naked men in front of him?

LOL, that's what I want to know. The entire thing is ridiculous. The sad part is, they are going to make money of off lying about the fact that he's been "un-gayed"
LOL, that's what I want to know. The entire thing is ridiculous. The sad part is, they are going to make money of off lying about the fact that he's been "un-gayed"

Yes, and he will return to preaching and being a hypocrit...
Why else do you think he and his wife are getting Master's Degrees in Psychology?

:cool: bingo!

I think we're on the same page here with Haggert. Its all too obvious imo. Also, it will help him to be more careful about the boy toys he picks out. This works out perfectly him. He'll be surrounded with men, he'll be making money hand over fist, and his sheep will be none the wiser. I can't wait to see this story unfold in a few years. Better yet, I can't wait for the lifetime movie.
Amen Brother! you tell em :)

Funny I have never heard a preacher that did not take pride in have been a terrible sinner.
I guess that is my problem I have just not sinned enough to be redeemed :rolleyes:

Glad to meet you uscitizen. I am a preacher and have been a sinner but wouldn't say a "terrible sinner." I have never drank alcolhol, I have never been with anyone other than my wife, I always went to church before I started preaching, I have always tried my best not to cuss. I suppose the worst thing I have done was to shoot a deer out of season when I was 15......so I have no stories about how I once was soooo baaadd but then was redeemed. Wait a minute, that's probably why I am just a country preacher and no a televangelist.......;). Of course I believe that sin is sin and that I am no better than a Ted Haggert, but I can't help to agree with your, Damo, and LadyT's assessment of what is going on and what will happen in the future.
Of course I believe that sin is sin and that I am no better than a Ted Haggert.

I disagree. I think Ted's offensives are a lot more fundamentally evil than anything any of us have done. He has taken money and falsely led people to live a life that he himself hasn't lived. I can honestly say I don't believe I've profited over anything sinful I've done.
Glad to meet you uscitizen. I am a preacher and have been a sinner but wouldn't say a "terrible sinner." I have never drank alcolhol, I have never been with anyone other than my wife, I always went to church before I started preaching, I have always tried my best not to cuss. I suppose the worst thing I have done was to shoot a deer out of season when I was 15......so I have no stories about how I once was soooo baaadd but then was redeemed. Wait a minute, that's probably why I am just a country preacher and no a televangelist.......;). Of course I believe that sin is sin and that I am no better than a Ted Haggert, but I can't help to agree with your, Damo, and LadyT's assessment of what is going on and what will happen in the future.
Yeah, and most of the time I defend people who truly believe... It's clear to me what Haggard is doing.
LadyT in many church's viewpoints sin is sin and there seems to be no difference in degrees of sin. Stealing a candy bar will send you to hell as quick as child molesting....
I however agree with you.
I have never done anything as bad as Ted.
And yet he will still wind up being a leader/ teacher of peoples souls.
LadyT in many church's viewpoints sin is sin and there seems to be no difference in degrees of sin. Stealing a candy bar will send you to hell as quick as child molesting....
I however agree with you.
I have never done anything as bad as Ted.
And yet he will still wind up being a leader/ teacher of peoples souls.

Well, in many churches that is not true. Gays are persecuted like they are the spawn of Satan himself. From my understanding of the bible, what you say is true, but I don't necessarily think its practiced wide spread.
Heck in some churches liberals are spoken of in the same breath as satan.
After one such sermon, I asked the preacher if he did not know Jesus was a liberal ? I thought they guy was going to blow up or have a stroke :D
And Jimmy boy baker is preaching again....
I am not sure about the reverend lyons, is he still on jail ?
Or out and preaching again ?
:cool: bingo!

I think we're on the same page here with Haggert. Its all too obvious imo. Also, it will help him to be more careful about the boy toys he picks out. This works out perfectly him. He'll be surrounded with men, he'll be making money hand over fist, and his sheep will be none the wiser. I can't wait to see this story unfold in a few years. Better yet, I can't wait for the lifetime movie.

He's already got a book deal. I hear it's called "How I learned to Stop worrying and Love P*ssy".
I'm telling you Tiana, these guys are so self-parodying that it's child's play. If I could ever get some discipline I'm convinced I could make a mint off of these fools.

I hear you.

Hey, I was thinking about you today. I read a posted an article about Code Pinkers in NY protesting at a Clinton event. Were you there?
I hear you.

Hey, I was thinking about you today. I read a posted an article about Code Pinkers in NY protesting at a Clinton event. Were you there?

No I wasn't. I couldn't make it. I did go to the march in DC two weeks ago. It was great, and it got a lot of media coverage. Much more than they used to.