HAHA - John Kerry uses his PRIVATE JET to accept climate award in Iceland

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Stinking hypocrite. He could put on a disguise and fly commercial.


feb 3 2021 Joe Biden’s pompous Special Climate Envoy John Kerry defended taking a gas-guzzling private jet to accept the Arctic Circle award in Iceland in 2019, according to a new report by Fox News.

John Kerry defended taking a private jet and said he’s special because he’s the one battling climate change and trying to save the world.

“If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Kerry said.

John Kerry “offsets his carbon” by owning several mansions, a private jet and a mega yacht.

“I negotiated the Paris Accords for the United States. I’ve been involved in this fight for years. I negotiated with President Xi to bring President Xi to the table so we could get Paris,” he said.

John Kerry said he’s just too busy to ‘sail across the ocean’ and flying commercial isn’t even an option for someone like him.
Kerry defended taking a private jet and said he’s special because he’s the one battling climate change
and trying to save the world.
If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Kerry said.

John Kerry “offsets his carbon” by owning several mansions, and a private jet
Dear fucking idiots


He doesn’t want to take a chance on spreading

Fuck you very much
So was he supose to take Airforce One? :laugh:

BTW ... NO ONE GIVES a FUCK what you Think!

You Lost ... Go Way and Cry
Hey tranny. Can't you read? I told you to stay off my threads.

No, you never did that once, just like you never got me banned or all the other trollshit you make up on the spot. Did you even check if Iceland is accepting commercial jets from America? Much of Europe hasn't for a good time under COVID and I haven't checked if it's changed. I'll leave that up to you because I don't do the work for trolls.
No, you never did that once, just like you never got me banned or all the other trollshit you make up on the spot. Did you even check if Iceland is accepting commercial jets from America? Much of Europe hasn't for a good time under COVID and I haven't checked if it's changed. I'll leave that up to you because I don't do the work for trolls.

Who cares about that.? Kerry doesn't have to go to iceland to get some silly medal anyway. They can mail it to him. THINK

And stay off my threads or i'll get you banned again.