HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

He will doubtless be convicted, just as Alfred Dreyfus was, and with the same legal justification, IMO.

Sure is likely he'll be convicted - the judge and jury know the tv networks will dox them if they say not guilty. But if they say guilty the tv nets will call them heroes and pay them for interviews.

I have a six-year-old nephew who's smarter than you are. I'm not even exaggerating.
Why are you so desperate to convict chauvin.? Looks to me like chauvin just followed SOP.

I've explained the answer to your question multiple times in this thread already. I don't care if kneeling on a handcuffed stranger's neck for nine and a half minutes is a fucking commandment given to Moses. It's wrong. Why are you so desperate to defend what Chauvin did?
Again: Why are you so desperate to defend what Chauvin did? Answer the question.

So no, nowhere is "homicide" mentioned in the official autopsy report, although you claimed it was in the title.

Both reports concluded homicide and offered different causes of death resulting from a homicide.

Did they? On what page of the official autopsy report does the term "homicide" appear?

The title of the fucking report -- the cause of death itself -- is a homicide.
While I haven't watched the trial, the clips of news I've seen don't bode well for the persecution. Today they trotted out an 18 year old girl that took a video of it. Her testimony other than that she took the video was all meaningless emotional drivel.

Chauvin deserves a fair trial based on the facts of the case, not a parade of witnesses giving emotional personal opinions.

I guess it comes back to the old liar... err, lawyer saying

When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.
When the law is on your side, argue the law
When you've got nothing, bang your shoe on the table and declare the whole system is injust.

Here, the prosecution seems reduced to trying to build a case on emotion, empathy, and hatred rather than facts and law. Of course, given that Keith Ellison is heading the persecution side of things, this should be expected. Ellison is a bigot, racist, domestic abuser, and not particularly smart. Seems this case is turning into another 'OJ' trial...
You do realize don't you that floyd was saying "i can't breathe" BEFORE he was put on the ground.?

I do, because I watched the body cam video.

He also asked to be put on the ground, didn't he?

He pulled the same bullshit before, you know.

Chauvin killed Floyd. Why do rightys want him to get away with it?

Floyd killed Floyd. The guy was higher than the International Space Station and was having serious problems breathing long before Chauvin put his knee on Floyd's head. Even then, Floyd could breathe. He was still talking. You can't talk or make sound if you can't breathe.

So, the real question is why is the Left so hell bent on pillorying Chauvin regardless of the facts?
so tell us what chauvin did that was illegal. He had a giant serial felon who was about to die of asphyxiation and would go berzerk when that happened. Chauvin did the right thing. Floyd was already a dead man.

You do realize don't you that floyd was saying "i can't breathe" BEFORE he was put on the ground.?

The method he used to subdue him is what is going to get him into trouble.