

and btw...your pm about my dead brother at usmb was totally uncalled for

whats funny, is as soon as i replied to jakestarkey that the game was up....he accidently replied

i wonder how many more threads my stalker legion troll will create about me this month...we had quite a few last month and prior months....

shall we place wagers?
i wonder how many more threads my stalker legion troll will create about me this month...we had quite a few last month and prior months....

shall we place wagers?

I guess you can't read. You sure as hell can't spell.

My Troll name is Zurt.

It exists to mock you.

It appears that others are amusing themselves by taunting you, too.

This "legion" conspiracy theory you based on Damo's replies to your incessant paranoid whining is funny, but inaccurate, like much of your output.

Keep kissing his ass, maybe he likes it. It sure seems that you like doing it.

I don't post on any other board, and I suppose you want me (and everyone else) to take your word for it regarding these secret messages you claim to get. I didn't know you had a brother, for one thing.

Go on, tell the board who I really am.

Try not to plagiarize, Yurtsie.
lol...whatever deranged liar...damo already said who you are and who your other trolls are (hint, he owns the board, he would know)...and you're lying you don't post on other boards...one of your other trolls here STOLE my avi from USMB and then when i called you on your stalking and the fact you are at usmb....you quickly changed avitars....

and then one of your nics at usmb pm'd with info that i've only said on this site, personal info about my dead brother and when i pm'd your main nic at that site, jakestarkey, you accidentally responded to your other nic's pm as if you sent it...LOL

why don't you just cut the stalking and bullshit and just debate. seriously, what kind of lousy life do you lead if yoru sole purpose is just to lie about people, insult their dead brother and annoy them on purpose.....
lol...whatever deranged liar...damo already said who you are and who your other trolls are (hint, he owns the board, he would know)...and you're lying you don't post on other boards...one of your other trolls here STOLE my avi from USMB and then when i called you on your stalking and the fact you are at usmb....you quickly changed avitars....

and then one of your nics at usmb pm'd with info that i've only said on this site, personal info about my dead brother and when i pm'd your main nic at that site, jakestarkey, you accidentally responded to your other nic's pm as if you sent it...LOL

why don't you just cut the stalking and bullshit and just debate. seriously, what kind of lousy life do you lead if yoru sole purpose is just to lie about people, insult their dead brother and annoy them on purpose.....

You can prove this?

Didn't think so.

What's my name, Yurtsie?

Or didn't your bestest board-owner buddy Damo tell you that while you were kissing his ass?

The fact is, my sole purpose in creating this troll is to mock you because of your stupidity.

You have absolutely no evidence to support your absurd contentions.

Do you actually believe you are worth "stalking"?

As for your brother, as I said, I didn't know you had one until you started crying about a PM you claim someone sent you.

Since you seem to spend a great deal of time here and on other BBs obsessing about being "stalked" by "trolls" and "hacks", perhaps you should take your own advice.
lol...whatever deranged liar...you're lying you don't post on other boards...one of your other trolls here STOLE my avi from USMB and then when i called you on your stalking and the fact you are at usmb....you quickly changed avitars....

and then one of your nics at usmb pm'd with info that i've only said on this site, personal info about my dead brother and when i pm'd your main nic at that site, jakestarkey, you accidentally responded to your other nic's pm as if you sent it...LOL

why don't you just cut the stalking and bullshit and just debate. seriously, what kind of lousy life do you lead if yoru sole purpose is just to lie about people, insult their dead brother and annoy them on purpose.....

Yurtsie can't prove the above, and neither can you.

It's not a competition, dumbass.

I mock Yurt because he's stupid, and I'm not alone.

Now, isn't it time for you go back to polishing Yurtsie's knob?

It is a competition, and you fail. Now go back to your gay porn site and leave the trolling to your betters.
How do you know about trolling gay porn sites? Personal experience?

Not that I'm judging you, or anything.

I just assumed that gay trolls liked to cruise gay porn sites, but I might be willing to take your word that you just cruise tween fashion websites to get off. Not that I'm judging you... or, who am I kidding? You're a fucking joke!!!
I just assumed that gay trolls liked to cruise gay porn sites, but I might be willing to take your word that you just cruise tween fashion websites to get off. Not that I'm judging you... or, who am I kidding? You're a fucking joke!!!

I prefer this site.

What does that say about you and your pal Yurtsie?
I prefer this site.

What does that say about you and your pal Yurtsie?

Nothing new. Yurt is still pissing people off to the extent that they even create trolls about him, and I'm still trying to pour gas on the flames.

Steaking of flames, here's something hot for you...

Nothing new. Yurt is still pissing people off to the extent that they even create trolls about him, and I'm still trying to pour gas on the flames.

Steaking of flames, here's something hot for you...



Isn't that why PMP left?