Haitians, Muslims and the Chinese....oh my!


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Trump has a playbook. And a big chapter of that playbook is pitting groups of people against one another. And a big section of that chapter is dedicated to xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Lying about various communities is integral to this strategy. Who can forget when he fabricated the idea that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on rooftops in NJ after 9/11? And now it's those dirty Haitians - who are from "shithole countries" anyway - eating your pets.

These kinds of things, and continuing to call COVID the "China Virus" or "Kung Flu" - demonstrably create more hate & discrimination against these communities, and that has real-world effects. I don't think many understand the impact, but if you do understand it, and have a basic sense of decency and caring about people in general, it's extremely sad.
Trump has a playbook. And a big chapter of that playbook is pitting groups of people against one another. And a big section of that chapter is dedicated to xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Lying about various communities is integral to this strategy. Who can forget when he fabricated the idea that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on rooftops in NJ after 9/11? And now it's those dirty Haitians - who are from "shithole countries" anyway - eating your pets.

These kinds of things, and continuing to call COVID the "China Virus" or "Kung Flu" - demonstrably create more hate & discrimination against these communities, and that has real-world effects. I don't think many understand the impact, but if you do understand it, and have a basic sense of decency and caring about people in general, it's extremely sad.
His whole campaign is full of dog whistles
America is being destroyed no less than Europe.....the 100 trillion dollar question is who is driving it.

My bet is the CCP.
Run WHITEY run

It looks like we are doing self immolation, but this is not being done by the people, it is the Overlords who have opened the borders without our consent and are collapsing law and order. The Elites are full of ignorance and self hate so that is part of it but to me this does not explain what I am looking at....I think they are being manipulated/paid off by our enemies and are too dumb to know and too narcissistic to care to learn.
Look at all the people who think there is a chance in Hell that Trump will be proclaimed the winner just as one example of how dumb these fucks are.
Look at all the people who think there is a chance in Hell that Trump will be proclaimed the winner just as one example of how dumb these fucks are.
The only way he will lose in my opinion is via voter fraud. I do believe very strongly that there will be several million illegal votes cast.
The Democrats have been honing their art of election fraud for decades. They are now on the top of their game.
Why do you revel in the destruction of the USA?

It appears you are showing your colors and they are not red, white and blue.
Multi racial vietnam vet, Americans are immigrants and come in all colors and beliefs. America is changing for the better. Well, maybe not bitter old uneducated MAGAs of the chalky hue
Trump has a playbook. And a big chapter of that playbook is pitting groups of people against one another. And a big section of that chapter is dedicated to xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Lying about various communities is integral to this strategy. Who can forget when he fabricated the idea that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on rooftops in NJ after 9/11? And now it's those dirty Haitians - who are from "shithole countries" anyway - eating your pets.

These kinds of things, and continuing to call COVID the "China Virus" or "Kung Flu" - demonstrably create more hate & discrimination against these communities, and that has real-world effects. I don't think many understand the impact, but if you do understand it, and have a basic sense of decency and caring about people in general, it's extremely sad.
don't make me laugh.

creating intentional divides is the Dem playbook.

its called identity politics.

its what the marxists came up with after Marxism to destroy society.
Multi racial vietnam vet, Americans are immigrants and come in all colors and beliefs. America is changing for the better. Well, maybe not bitter old uneducated MAGAs of the chalky hue
So flooding our borders with unvetted illegal immigrants is your idea of change for the better.
You are either a fool or an active supporter of treason.