Haitians, Muslims and the Chinese....oh my!

The only way he will lose in my opinion is via voter fraud. I do believe very strongly that there will be several million illegal votes cast.
The Democrats have been honing their art of election fraud for decades. They are now on the top of their game.
Trump has a playbook. And a big chapter of that playbook is pitting groups of people against one another. And a big section of that chapter is dedicated to xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Lying about various communities is integral to this strategy. Who can forget when he fabricated the idea that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on rooftops in NJ after 9/11? And now it's those dirty Haitians - who are from "shithole countries" anyway - eating your pets.

These kinds of things, and continuing to call COVID the "China Virus" or "Kung Flu" - demonstrably create more hate & discrimination against these communities, and that has real-world effects. I don't think many understand the impact, but if you do understand it, and have a basic sense of decency and caring about people in general, it's extremely sad.
Covid is th Chinese virus dimwit. You still believe att that bullshit don't you? Good lord! No wonder youre a leftist.
Trump has a playbook. And a big chapter of that playbook is pitting groups of people against one another. And a big section of that chapter is dedicated to xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Lying about various communities is integral to this strategy. Who can forget when he fabricated the idea that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on rooftops in NJ after 9/11? And now it's those dirty Haitians - who are from "shithole countries" anyway - eating your pets.

These kinds of things, and continuing to call COVID the "China Virus" or "Kung Flu" - demonstrably create more hate & discrimination against these communities, and that has real-world effects. I don't think many understand the impact, but if you do understand it, and have a basic sense of decency and caring about people in general, it's extremely sad.

Dear Bartender Elite (BTE)

Yeah, I guess you're right, BTE. Trump is basically a major hater and a major bigot: he's xenophobic; he's a majpr white supremacist racist who hates "brown and black" people and he's a hard-wired misogynist/ male chauvinist pig ! Right ?

I'd like to respond to your comments about Haitian immigration to the US, in particular.


Consider the current issue of Haitian immigrants who have moved to the small city of Springfield, Ohio.I mean, Trump's claim that some of the 20,000 Afro-Haitians Kamala Harris funnelled (illegally) into the small , Ohio, town of Springfield have been slaughtering, butchering and eating the locals pet cats and dogs is totally bizarre and racist . I mean the fact that they are ALL devout practitioners of Voodoo (or "Vodou" as they call it in Creole) and have well documented history (spanning the:18th, 19th , 20th and 21st centuries) of (1) : Sacrificing animals (chickens, pigs, goats, horses, you name it) drinking their blood and then eating their corpses (2) Sacrificing human beings, in particular, infants and children) and (3) cannibalism as part of their Voodoo rituals/ceremonies is just something that the evil people like the French colonists cooked up to justify enslaving them. Right Also the fact that Afro-Haitien are incapable of governing themselves (because they have an average IQ of around 65 points) and have existed in a state of alternating violent anarchy and brutal despotism since the early 1800s, is simply another pile of disgusting racist lie.s.

I used to believe all that stuff. Just goes to show you how totally gullible and ignorant I am.

A more enlightened person like you would have no hesitation, I'm sure, in jumping on a plane and flying to exotic Port-au-Prince (the capital city of Haiti) next week. You could check out the amazing Haitian creole culture and and sample the delights of the local cuisine. I mean the fact that right now - (as we speak) - about 100 heavily - armed, criminal gangs have seized control of Port - au- Prince and are raping, kidnapping, murdering civilians, razing schools and hospitals, and burning police department with impunity - because the entire government has collapsed, - is totally unsubstantiated. Right ? Likewise, the rumour that in March of this year, the US government had to carry out an emergency evacuation all of its Embassy staff and other US government personnel based in Port-au-Prince" ? I don't believe this, It sounds very much like propaganda cooked up by the American right to to frighten the public about the Open Border immigration policies that "Border Czar" Kamala' Harris will implement if she becomes POTUS 47 in 2025.

So yeah, you go girl. Get yourself on a 747 next week and jet on over to Haiti for a week's vacation in the sunny Carribean. Show all them bigots and xenophobes and white supremacists at home that you don't buy their nasty "pet- eatin'"lies. Show . Let your actions remind them them that the people of Haiti are our brothers and sisters.; that the people of Haiti are no different to Americans - (even TRUMPERS !!) because we are all human beings, and we were all created equal by God. (Besides, even if you did get shot through the head with an AK-$& round on your first day sightseeing in "Port-au-Prince", or even if you did get abducted and roughly sodomised to death by a randy Voudissant peasant while you were strolling in the countryside, it would all have been worth it ! Right, girl ?!!. You would always be remembered at home as a hero,... a freedom - fighter and a martyr. A young woman who made the ultimate sacrifice while going the extra mile to advance: racial diversity, racial inclusivity and racial equity in the grand vision of a future where we will all live in a "WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS" YAAAAAAAAAY !!!!!!


Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
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Multi racial vietnam vet, Americans are immigrants and come in all colors and beliefs. America is changing for the better. Well, maybe not bitter old uneducated MAGAs of the chalky hue
we can keep the legal ones.......only demmycrats want the illegals, though for the life of me I don't understand why.......maybe you can take a minute and explain that.....
Trump has a playbook. And a big chapter of that playbook is pitting groups of people against one another. And a big section of that chapter is dedicated to xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Lying about various communities is integral to this strategy. Who can forget when he fabricated the idea that thousands of Muslims were celebrating on rooftops in NJ after 9/11? And now it's those dirty Haitians - who are from "shithole countries" anyway - eating your pets.

These kinds of things, and continuing to call COVID the "China Virus" or "Kung Flu" - demonstrably create more hate & discrimination against these communities, and that has real-world effects. I don't think many understand the impact, but if you do understand it, and have a basic sense of decency and caring about people in general, it's extremely sad.
Even if the US was all White people, Donnie would be insulting Red-bearded Irishmen, Fat Greeks, Southern men's accents, Bald-headed men, and Fat and Ugly women!