hallejulia!!! vick found jesus

Keep on searching Rob I have prophisied that you will become a holy roller one day. I did that over n the FP board if anyone remembers.
Strange how heart attacks and jail cause people to find religion ;)
Don't they always find Jesus when something like this happens, people are so gullible! All one has to do is say they found Jesus, I didn't know he was lost, and salvation is theirs! They automatically get a "get out of jail free" card.
Now, if they really do find Jesus and it helps to turn their life around, good going, but guys like Vick, come on and so quickly. Prove it!
yeah talk is cheap, the proof is in the works. And to be honest religion dose help many to get their lives in better order.
Others it might just screw up worse.
yeah talk is cheap, the proof is in the works. And to be honest religion dose help many to get their lives in better order.
Others it might just screw up worse.

It helped my brother and I don't know what he would do if he lost his religion!
So i know exactly what you mean!
Yeah I do not believe, but many/most churches do more good for society than harm. But there is that outspoken malignant minority in all things.....

I even give the local church some money from time to time and help them fix the church and such.
Yeah I do not believe, but many/most churches do more good for society than harm. But there is that outspoken malignant minority in all things.....

I even give the local church some money from time to time and help them fix the church and such.

Very nice of you, i still give to Catholic charities, they do a lot of good in Anchorage.
Free Mike Vick, it's racist like Rob that keep the brothers down.
If he shot bambi in the face with a shotgun that would be ok??????
Free Mike Vick, it's racist like Rob that keep the brothers down.
If he shot bambi in the face with a shotgun that would be ok??????

As long as he had a hunting license and was not poaching.

Some feel sorry for Bambi, but I just see him as good eating! I do not hunt myself, but I take donations from friends.

I would prefer Bullwinkle J. Moose to Bambi, though.
Don't care much for deer, Elk is pretty good though.

Yum, my brother in law use to hunt them with bow and arrow. I always thought it very sportsmanlike. They did use horses, but no four wheelers. Humans have such an advantage now!
what about those who never found jesus and have greeat lives and never looked for him?

I have many friends like that and they are some very fine people, I have no problem with anyone, as long as they don't try to force it on me or my government.
what about those who never found jesus and have greeat lives and never looked for him?

Ohh talking about me ? Thanks :clink:

They tried to push Jesus down my throat, but i kept barfing him back up ;)
Just contrary to ordinary.
Yep there are several of us, but it is more difficult because of prejudice and societies push.