hallejulia!!! vick found jesus

shit,, i haven't found him yet and i know tht dogfighting is wrong.... WTF

did he find him under lady T's bed?

I hear that Vick has a wart on his ass .. you should check it out.

"Vick finds Jesus"
"Vick is dumb"

At the end of the day he'll continue to live his life in luxury .. and you'll get to create threads about his warts. :)
I hear that Vick has a wart on his ass .. you should check it out.

"Vick finds Jesus"
"Vick is dumb"

At the end of the day he'll continue to live his life in luxury .. and you'll get to create threads about his warts. :)

That's not Michael Vick that has warts... that's Ron Mexico!