Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats and guns at picnic


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Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats and guns at picnic

May 13, 9:15 PM (ET)

TOWN OF ONALASKA, Wis. (AP) - A picnic open to the public at a park in La Crosse County will offer free brats and hamburgers and an invitation to bring your gun. Organizer Hubert Hoffman said Sunday's picnic at Marvin Gardens Park in the Town of Onalaska celebrates a recent opinion from state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen that citizens who openly carry firearms should not be cited for disorderly conduct.

Hoffman said the picnic is open to everyone, including children and those who don't want to bring a gun.

The gun rights advocate said it's a way to let the public know that openly carrying a firearm isn't dangerous or risky.

La Crosse County sheriff's Capt. Mike Horstman said Hoffman is "legally entitled" to host the open carry picnic.

I'm sure that everyone will be on their best behavior, with no pickpockets or purse snatchers to be found.
Five bucks says there is a shooting at the picnic that day.

$100 says there is no shooting that day. When was the last time you read about a shooting at a gun show, shooting match or firearm show? They have them all the time all over the country. And you know reporters would love to carry that story.

But it doesn't happen.
$100 says there is no shooting that day. When was the last time you read about a shooting at a gun show, shooting match or firearm show? They have them all the time all over the country. And you know reporters would love to carry that story.

But it doesn't happen.

Well I hate to say this but that's not really saying anything. Whens the last time they had a shooting or a violent crime committed at an Onalaska community picnic that required the deadly force of a fire arm?

Sounds to me like one of those monster truck rallies. A big event for men with small penesis to show that they can pack some gear.

I come from a small town where the local wing nuts made a big issue out of open carry. So, all right, they allowed open carry at the Coldwater Community picnic. Two NRA members showed up with guns and passed out flyers that were promptly thrown away by virtually every one. No one else really gave a rats ass. They were more interested in drinking beer, eating BBQ and showing off that years crop of babies.
Well I hate to say this but that's not really saying anything. Whens the last time they had a shooting or a violent crime committed at an Onalaska community picnic that required the deadly force of a fire arm?

Sounds to me like one of those monster truck rallies. A big event for men with small penesis to show that they can pack some gear.

I come from a small town where the local wing nuts made a big issue out of open carry. So, all right, they allowed open carry at the Coldwater Community picnic. Two NRA members showed up with guns and passed out flyers that were promptly thrown away by virtually every one. No one else really gave a rats ass. They were more interested in drinking beer, eating BBQ and showing off that years crop of babies.

I think it is saying something quite clear.

The news reports this because its going to be a gathering of armed people. They think this means certain danger.

The point that events involving guns are notoriously free from violence is a point that many people wish to ignore.

And the guns are penis substitues argument is popular but totally bogus.
I think it is saying something quite clear.

The news reports this because its going to be a gathering of armed people. They think this means certain danger.

The point that events involving guns are notoriously free from violence is a point that many people wish to ignore.

And the guns are penis substitues argument is popular but totally bogus.
No the guns and penis argument isn't bogus and I'll tell you why. The same gatherings, like community events, picnics, fairs, etc are just as free from violence regardless of wether there's open carry or not. There's no correlation and that's the main point. OK, you can carry a gun to a peacefull picnic or church. Whoop De Much Ado about Nothing!

I mean think about it, if you felt you had to carry a gun to a community event for protection, why the hell would you go in the first place? I mean what are these people afraid of? Getting beaten to death by an alter boy? Pole axed by the church ladies at the pie stand? Give me a break. If they want to carry a weapon there I guess that's there business but I don't need to carry one to feel secure or have a good time.
No the guns and penis argument isn't bogus and I'll tell you why. The same gatherings, like community events, picnics, fairs, etc are just as free from violence regardless of wether there's open carry or not. There's no correlation and that's the main point. OK, you can carry a gun to a peacefull picnic or church. Whoop De Much Ado about Nothing!

I mean think about it, if you felt you had to carry a gun to a community event for protection, why the hell would you go in the first place? I mean what are these people afraid of? Getting beaten to death by an alter boy? Pole axed by the church ladies at the pie stand? Give me a break. If they want to carry a weapon there I guess that's there business but I don't need to carry one to feel secure or have a good time.
You are missing the point of the invitation. The invitation to carry one's firearm to the picnic is to celebrate the fact that finally the rights guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment are being recognized instead of illegally suppressed. Until recently there was an illegal ban on exercising a constitutionally protected right. The fact that we are making gains in securing that right is worth celebrating.

Most people do not carry a firearm every day. But some may choose to carry to show support for an advancement of our cause. Most people do not carry an American flag every day, but many choose to do so when celebrating the 4th of July.

And the guns/penis argument is bogus. In general, people carry a firearm for general protection. And in case you have not noticed headlines the last coupe decades or so, you can never tell when that general protection may be needed. Now the specific purpose of an invitation to carry at the picnic has a specific purpose of celebration. But the GENERAL purpose of carrying is for protection, which is a valid purpose.
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No the guns and penis argument isn't bogus and I'll tell you why. The same gatherings, like community events, picnics, fairs, etc are just as free from violence regardless of wether there's open carry or not. There's no correlation and that's the main point. OK, you can carry a gun to a peacefull picnic or church. Whoop De Much Ado about Nothing!

I mean think about it, if you felt you had to carry a gun to a community event for protection, why the hell would you go in the first place? I mean what are these people afraid of? Getting beaten to death by an alter boy? Pole axed by the church ladies at the pie stand? Give me a break. If they want to carry a weapon there I guess that's there business but I don't need to carry one to feel secure or have a good time.

Yes it is bogus. If your argument is true, the best you can hope to say is that they are paranoid. Is paranoia an illness only suffered by people with men with a small penis? No well endowed men are paranoid?

And what about women? Are there going to be no women at this picnic carrying guns?

Yes the entire guns = small penis idea is bogus.