Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats and guns at picnic

You are missing the point of the invitation. The invitation to carry one's firearm to the picnic is to celebrate the fact that finally the rights guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment are being recognized instead of illegally suppressed. Until recently there was an illegal ban on exercising a constitutionally protected right. The fact that we are making gains in securing that right is worth celebrating.

Most people do not carry a firearm every day. But some may choose to carry to show support for an advancement of our cause. Most people do not carry an American flag every day, but many choose to do so when celebrating the 4th of July.

And the guns/penis argument is bogus. In general, people carry a firearm for general protection. And in case you have not noticed headlines the last coupe decades or so, you can never tell when that general protection may be needed. Now the specific purpose of an invitation to carry at the picnic has a specific purpose of celebration. But the GENERAL purpose of carrying is for protection, which is a valid purpose.

No I'm not. I get the point entire and I'm saying Big Whoop. This rates right up there with having a public reading of the fine writings of Watermark to celebrate our first Ammendment rights. In fact I'd go so far as to say this trivializes an important right to give a handful of gun nuts a warm fussy. So again, big whoop. I hope they enjoy themselves and don't accidently shoot off their pencil dicks but like most of mainstream America, I don't really give a rats ass about their little party.
Yes it is bogus. If your argument is true, the best you can hope to say is that they are paranoid. Is paranoia an illness only suffered by people with men with a small penis? No well endowed men are paranoid?

And what about women? Are there going to be no women at this picnic carrying guns?

Yes the entire guns = small penis idea is bogus.

Hmmmm you bring up an interesting point. I wonder how many women showed up to this event packing gear? ;-)

Keep in mind this is a community picnic and not a gun rally. Onalaska is a small town dependent mainly on dairy farmers and tourism. My guess is that half a dozen hunters showed up packing gear and no one else gave a rats ass. My guess is that this was more a publicity stunt for the press coverage then anything.
Hmmmm you bring up an interesting point. I wonder how many women showed up to this event packing gear? ;-)

Keep in mind this is a community picnic and not a gun rally. Onalaska is a small town dependent mainly on dairy farmers and tourism. My guess is that half a dozen hunters showed up packing gear and no one else gave a rats ass. My guess is that this was more a publicity stunt for the press coverage then anything.

I stand corrected. This is a gun rally with an expected attendence of...30. That's right folks. 30 people. The local Sherriffs attitude reflects mine. Business as ussual, big whoop. If there's any problems we'll investigate like we normally do. He pretty much said that it was like any other gathering of hunters except they'll be carrying holstered firearms (no long weapons permitted and why isn't the NRA in an uproar about this aggregious violation of their 2nd ammendment right??).
Of for christ sakes. There's been what? One shooting at a church in a zillion years? OK, you go ahead and carry your gun to church and I'll buy a lottery ticket each week and I bet my odds of winning the lottery are one hell of a lot better than a shooter showing up at your church.

* August 12, 2007: A lone gunman, Eiken Elam Saimon, opened fire in a Missouri Micronesian church, killing a pastor and two other churchgoers.

* May 20, 2007: A standoff between police and a suspect in the shootings of three people in a Moscow, Idaho, Presbyterian Church ended with three dead, including one police officer.

* Although not at a church building, the Oct. 2, 2006, attack in Lancaster County, Pa., by a gunman who killed five girls and then himself at an Amish school targeted a religious site.

* May 21, 2006: Louisiana. Four were killed by a man at Jesus Christ Church.

* Feb. 26, 2006: Michigan. Two people were killed at Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church by a man who reportedly went to the church looking for his girlfriend. He later killed himself.

* April 9, 2005: A 27-year-old airman died after being shot at a church in College Park, Ga., where he had once worked as a security guard.

* March 12, 2005: A man walked into the services of the Living Church of God in Milwaukee and open fired immediately, killing seven people.

* Oct. 5, 2003: A woman opened fire in Turner Monumental AME church in Kirkwood, east of Atlanta, killing the pastor and two others.

* Sept. 16, 1999: Seven young people were killed when a man opened fire during a prayer service for teen-agers at the Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.

what was that again?
* August 12, 2007: A lone gunman, Eiken Elam Saimon, opened fire in a Missouri Micronesian church, killing a pastor and two other churchgoers.

* May 20, 2007: A standoff between police and a suspect in the shootings of three people in a Moscow, Idaho, Presbyterian Church ended with three dead, including one police officer.

* Although not at a church building, the Oct. 2, 2006, attack in Lancaster County, Pa., by a gunman who killed five girls and then himself at an Amish school targeted a religious site.

* May 21, 2006: Louisiana. Four were killed by a man at Jesus Christ Church.

* Feb. 26, 2006: Michigan. Two people were killed at Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church by a man who reportedly went to the church looking for his girlfriend. He later killed himself.

* April 9, 2005: A 27-year-old airman died after being shot at a church in College Park, Ga., where he had once worked as a security guard.

* March 12, 2005: A man walked into the services of the Living Church of God in Milwaukee and open fired immediately, killing seven people.

* Oct. 5, 2003: A woman opened fire in Turner Monumental AME church in Kirkwood, east of Atlanta, killing the pastor and two others.

* Sept. 16, 1999: Seven young people were killed when a man opened fire during a prayer service for teen-agers at the Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.

what was that again?

and more people won the lottery this year in my State alone. Around 75 million people go to church each weekend. You listed about 20 shooting victims at church in 10 years. So that means the odds of being shot in Church are around 75 million x 52 X 10 divided by 20 means your odds of being shot at Church are around 2 billion to one. You're odds of winning the lottery are way better then that.
Most picnic's at my house some if not all are carrying, nobody gives a damn and no one has ever been shot, and yes most of the ladies have a small piece in there pocket books, ooo well seems some get riled for no reason!
and more people won the lottery this year in my State alone. Around 75 million people go to church each weekend. You listed about 20 shooting victims at church in 10 years. So that means the odds of being shot in Church are around 75 million x 52 X 10 divided by 20 means your odds of being shot at Church are around 2 billion to one. You're odds of winning the lottery are way better then that.

if you don't win the lottery, you don't fucking die. you COULD get shot at church unless you have a way of defending yourself. I guess you're ok with people just 'playing the odds' though, is that right?
Just imagine a sunday school without people wearing guns. How unamerican.

But very Christ like.
if you don't win the lottery, you don't fucking die. you COULD get shot at church unless you have a way of defending yourself. I guess you're ok with people just 'playing the odds' though, is that right?

That ain the point! The point is, is that the odds of getting shot in church are extremelly remote and that it's one of the safest things you can do. Crossing the street is far more dangerous. Driving is infinately more dangerous. If you want to walk around carrying a gun so you can show off your right to do so, ok fine, at least be honest about it but the truth is, carrying an open weapon in a place as peacefull as Onalaska, Wisconsin is one great big whoops de fucking do.
Which has zero to do with the Constitution.

Who's talking about that either? No one is questioning their right to gather peacably with their fire arms but that it's much ado about nothing. I bet I saw more people with guns at the skeet range last weekend. I don't think there was a single person there worried about the place being stormed by a Church lady with an AK-47.
Who's talking about that either? No one is questioning their right to gather peacably with their fire arms but that it's much ado about nothing. I bet I saw more people with guns at the skeet range last weekend. I don't think there was a single person there worried about the place being stormed by a Church lady with an AK-47.

There are more and more restrictions being placed on gun owners over the last several years.

The fact that these people wanted to celebrate not being treated like a criminal because they choose to carry a gun is a big thing for them.

I am sure there were celebrations all over the country that I could give a shit about. Some new dog regulation in Hoboken, a new park in downtown Podunk Kansas, and a picnic to commemorate the first anniversary of a bike path in Des Moines. All of those could happen and no one would know a damn thing except the locals. This was made into a big deal because the media wants to publicize anything to do with those evil guns.

Its a "big whoop" because it matters to some. If it doesn't matter to you, thats fine.