Hang Tough Mr. President

If you can't see the insanity and recklessness of enacting foreign policy via Twitter, then you're exactly the type of unfit person I've been saying you are.

Well friend, you waste your keyboard insulting me. I've been insulted by experts and done my fair share of childish insults myself. I've matured after 82 years.

Who in the entire armed forces supports this decision?

Who in the entire armed forces supports saving young American lives and expects the so-called European allies to do their share?
Your lifeboat is ablaze.

Also, find it hard to believe this when you're here vociferously defending Trump.

What you believe is your business. You might find confirmation of my not voting right here on this forum if you searched the archives of my post during the campaign and election in 2016.
How do we know when Trump gets it right? Well when every Democrat says he’s crazy and doesn’t know what he’s doing and calls him the orange pig’s ass And when all of the Never Trump Republicans have heart palpitations, indigestion and mental breakdowns and swear the Russians and Syria are gonna fill the void with terrorist headed for the U.S..

My hat goes off to the President! I hope he sticks to his guns and doesn’t let the hysterical Democrats and war hawking Republicans change his mind and convince him to keep our kids in the Syrian shit hole and quagmire. I hope he follows through too and starts and finishes the Afghanistan draw-down of our troops.

Where the hell is NATO, especially the Brits and French? How many times is America expected to be the world’s police force and protector of the world’s lunatics? Let them lead the charge and put their kids in harm’s way. If the bleeping Democrats and Republicans think America needs to make war against Islamic terrorist around the world, then let the Congress declare a bleeping war on Islamic Terrorist as required by our Constitution. Fat chance of that, huh? Those cowardly bastards can’t even figure out how to pass a balanced budget or reduce the national debt. All they’re good for is spending other people’s money, becoming millionaires while in Congress and running up more and more debt.

STICK TO YOUR GUNS MR. PRESIDENT! Your stock is going up with me!!!

Maybe we should just hang the president.
I don't believe that.

I think this is your attempt to float a lifeboat.

Again friend, what you believe is your concern.

You didn't vote for Trump, yet you're here defending everything he's done.

I defend what Trump's doing when I agree with Trump. I oppose Trump when I disagree with Trump. I severely disagree with the leftist media slander of Trump and their "hair on fire" obnoxious and absurd hatred of Trump. I defend Trump mostly because what leftist media is doing to him is an outrage and the DOJ and FBI cabal to unseat Trump outrages me to no end, it's conducted by crooked outrageously political biased investigators and covered up by corrupt bastards like Comey, Brennan and Clapper, who I believe and hope are indicted for their treason of attempting to overturn a Presidency.
Maybe you should send him some of your money to help him out .... ;)

Maybe you should put your progressive liberal money where your mouth is, and take 2 or 3 illegal families in, that way the rest of us do not have to foot the Bill Beeeeyotch! Send some extra cash to the government come tax day to be consistent with your belief. Bet you won't!
Re-brand like stapling teabags to your face and pretending to care about debt.

OH! Ok! I should have known that was just another insult. Thanks again friend for proving that's the limit of your intellect.

Or re-branding like putting a red hat on and pretending to care about immigration.

You need a new playbook.

Whatever friend!!! You nicely present your limited intellect. Rational and honest debate have no place in your vocabulary.
Maybe you should put your progressive liberal money where your mouth is, and take 2 or 3 illegal families in, that way the rest of us do not have to foot the Bill Beeeeyotch! Send some extra cash to the government come tax day to be consistent with your belief. Bet you won't!

Those illegals work and pay taxes. Their crime percentage is less than the general American populace.
Yes, Hang Tough you Treasonous Bastard of a president! We got your rope right here waiting for you!

[h=1]The real reason tRump won't go to Mar-a-lago ...

The Dow Jones is under 23,000 with no end in sight.

Don't think his rich friends will like that.[/h]

Those illegals work and pay taxes. Their crime percentage is less than the general American populace.

At least that's the Democrats narrative. Republicans say 80% of them collect welfare, get Medicaid and free public schooling and cost the American taxpayers 70,000$ a year each and their crime % is only lower than the black Americans. Somebody is lying, huh?
Hang tough Mr. President. make Mexico pay for the wall like you promised a few hundred times. Take it out of the CR.
Some day you're gonna tell us about his treasonous acts and supply the evidence of them too, right?

Not my job!

That would be the job of Robert Mueller that announced only yesterday, he would have a report no later than Valentines day!

I'm calling it in advance- the Valentine's Day Massacre! LOL!
I always figured it was business-as-usual when Dems claimed to be the antiwar party under Bush, and then went along with Obama whenever he used military force.

But, this reaction to Trump over Syria/Afghanistan is highly comical. The RNC should start gathering should start gathering footage of Dems bitching about him withdrawing troops, and use them in TV ads.
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