Hannah Montana Scandals



Does anybody else understand the big deal about this? My niece has already moved onto Alisha Keys and Bleeding Love and whoever sings that song, and she’s 9. Miley Cyrus is 15. I remember when I was 15, my best friend and I were already in competition for who could find the tinier bikini and we were showing a lot more than what she is showing in the pics I’ve seen. What is the big deal about this? Give me a break, who wasn’t in an itsy bitsy bikini when they were 15?

Poor Hannah Montana!
I actually disagree. I think it is a big deal. The girl is 15 and was essentially topless except for a sheet. It was even like the pictures were groundbreaking, unique or anything special. I thought they actually looked like trailer trash to be honest. That chicks on a fast track to trouble.
I actually disagree. I think it is a big deal. The girl is 15 and was essentially topless except for a sheet. It was even like the pictures were groundbreaking, unique or anything special. I thought they actually looked like trailer trash to be honest. That chicks on a fast track to trouble.
Seriously, it was her in a makeup chair with the protection they use to keep the makeup from getting where it was not intended to go. It appears that the shots were candid. I don't think they are that big of a deal.
I actually disagree. I think it is a big deal. The girl is 15 and was essentially topless except for a sheet. It was even like the pictures were groundbreaking, unique or anything special. I thought they actually looked like trailer trash to be honest. That chicks on a fast track to trouble.

Oh they were very innocent in my opinion. I can’t get on a high horse about things like this, I remember when I was 15. I was not sexually active, but I loved pushing the envelope with clothes. Isn’t that part of being 15? You are exploring your sexual power as a woman, while not yet being a woman. I don’t think she’s on any fast track to trouble.
Its one thing to try to push the envelope with clothing and its another to be on the cover of a magazine near top-less at 15. If I remember correctly she had a couple of other scandals with some questionable pictures of her and a friend, she looks older than 15 to me, and when I see her in interviews, I just get a sneaking suspiscion that she's drinking and doing other stuff too. When you're that rich and famous at that age and you start engaging in that type of behaviour with few people to actually put you in check you're headed for trouble.

I sure as heck wouldn't want photos of my 15 y/o child like that on the cover anything.
LadyT, please tell me this is satire. You're starting to sound like my old preacher from Paramount Baptist in Big Level, MS.

Well, I wouldn't demonstrate or even bother calling Disney/Nickelodean or whatever she's on, but no, I don't think putting a practically topless 15 y/o on the the cover of Vanity Fair is a good thing.

Question for parents of teenage girls, would you guys have been ok with the cover if it was your kid or am I just being prude?
Well, I wouldn't demonstrate or even bother calling Disney/Nickelodean or whatever she's on, but no, I don't think putting a practically topless 15 y/o on the the cover of Vanity Fair is a good thing.

Question for parents of teenage girls, would you guys have been ok with the cover if it was your kid or am I just being prude?

1. I don't care either.

2. Don't have a kid. Can't really say.
Picture of Grind:

If not for having grandaughters I would be saying Hanna Who ? billy Cyrus I have heard of but that is about it. Have no use for Country Music.

This just backs up my claim that using children in the entertainment industry is a form of child abuse.
I actually disagree. I think it is a big deal. The girl is 15 and was essentially topless except for a sheet. It was even like the pictures were groundbreaking, unique or anything special. I thought they actually looked like trailer trash to be honest. That chicks on a fast track to trouble.

Isn't that the Disney way? Just look at what Britney Spears has accomplished.
Isn't that the Disney way? Just look at what Britney Spears has accomplished.

Justin and Christina turned out ok. I don't know. I have that gut feeling about Miley. Especially watching the way her family worships her.
Justin and Christina turned out ok. I don't know. I have that gut feeling about Miley. Especially watching the way her family worships her.

Christina went through her little phase just like the Cyrus kid... who by the way got ten minutes of coverage on CNBC today due to the potential impact to the billion dollar Hannah montana empire...

I was being sarcastic about the Britany comparison. I think the creepiest photo was the one with her Dad that had his hand positioned damn close to her ass.