Every trumper is a N4T.
Nobody will never be required to "agree with" traitors, criminals and scumbags like the J6 insurrectionists in order to be a decent, tolerant human.
The fact that scum like you is still trying to make the fake claim that it's merely a matter of disagreeing on principle, proves once again what sleazy, lying, desperate trash your kind are. You have no principles.
You are known as "The Sleaze Queen of Obfuscation and Stupid Questions" for good reason.If she was all of those things why didn't she win?
Cherry picked photo that doesn't accurately depict the violent, insurrection riot that your fellow MAGA maggot scum perpetrated against this nation. We will NEVER let you rewrite history or turn your big lie into the truth no matter how long or hard you try, filthy scum.
Apples & oranges false comparison.Never forget what happened 4 years ago on the dark day that will forever live in infamy:$2+ BILLION of property damage200 federal buildings damaged2,000+ police officers injured At least 25 Americans kiIIed Oh wait. Wrong protest.
Nobody in those protests tried to destroy the US government and over 200 years of laws set forth by The Constitution.
Your usual weak ass / weak minded (same thing with you) shit.