Okay. Please finish this. I am embarrassed for you both.
Indeed. This is beyond dorky dumbass. This should have its own adjective.
And yes Damo, you missed the one where dano quoted wise guy.
I thought it was the 10th... But really, don't you think Dano would be careful not to supply real information?
Hello white hood. I know you asked God for my death earlier. I don't want you to think I didn't appreciate it.
Much love to you. Hopefully you and your possy won't kill more than just me. I know you are gansta so you threaten me and Damo. Please Mr. Hood Sir, take my life only please... I submit to you...
Hello white hood. I know you asked God for my death earlier. I don't want you to think I didn't appreciate it.
Much love to you. Hopefully you and your possy won't kill more than just me. I know you are gansta so you threaten me and Damo. Please Mr. Hood Sir, take my life only please... I submit to you...
Just proving I'm a badass who doesn't take threats lightly. Keep away Dano.
Hello white hood. I know you asked God for my death earlier. I don't want you to think I didn't appreciate it.
Much love to you. Hopefully you and your possy won't kill more than just me. I know you are gansta so you threaten me and Damo. Please Mr. Hood Sir, take my life only please... I submit to you...
Just proving I'm a badass who doesn't take threats lightly. Keep away Dano.
You know Beefy, I really want to stay out of this, but just for the record, who started this shit? And who is always investigating people off board? And did he Pm IB threats or something? This whole thing makes me very uncomfortable.
But I pin the blame on Dano for the most part. I have seen him threaten others and that is why.
Yeah, he's certainly the worst offender, but I find it embarrassing that anyone takes this site that seriously. "Internet badass?" LOLOL
I understand. But if he was threatened with trouble at his job, than he's not protecting his internet reputation at this point, he's protecting his ass in real life. That's what bothers me with Dano. And he can't help it. You could get him to promise he'll never do it again, but I have seen him become enraged at Cypress and Lorax. I didn't talk to him for a long time because I don't need that shit directed my way, but for some reason he never has directed at me. But anyway, he just has a real anger management problem. He might not even be a bad guy in person, but he's got a serious problem with that, at least it appears that way here.
yeah, its still embarrassing. Dano does need to calm down.
He's threatened peoples jobs in the past. He found out Cypress's name and posted it on the board, apologized when it was taken off, then started posting it again when he was pissed off at Cypress.
The guy needs a permanent ban. He told the board where I worked (used to work) and said I need to be fired for defending baby rapers. He threatened to get me fired by mischaracterizing what I wrong on a message board. The guy deserves to be outed. Publicly. With a little effort I could probably find out what kind of car he drives. I already know everything else pretty much.